First Aid 7

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How to enjoy summer during a pandemic

It’s been a difficult year and the last few months have probably felt longer. Now that the weather is warming, it’s natural to want to spend as much time outside as possible. With that in mind, we have some tips to keep you safe this summer.

“Follow my voice” - Chantale Bilodeau’s story

After nearly losing her life in a fire and helplessly looking on as a man died of a heart attack, Chantale Bilodeau began volunteering with the Red Cross. Chantale has spent the last 12 years working for the organization she cares so deeply about and is now sharing her remarkable story.

Shovelling snow? Know the risks and mistakes to avoid

Shovelling snow is like a sport unto itself! It is certainly a work-out so it’s important to know how to do it without running the risk of injury. It doesn’t take much to save you a lot of headaches (or should we say, backaches).

Different ways to play outside: discover new winter sports

Winter in Canada can be very, very long… except when you’re having fun outside! Winter sports are just the ticket; they help you stay active during the cold season and make the tough months go by faster.  And while the benefits of exercise on physical health are well known, staying active can also be an effective way of ensuring good mental health.

Winter in the Backcountry: Tips for being prepared

More people have been heading into the wilderness to keep themselves active throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, and that hasn’t slowed since winter began. While a day on snowshoes or skis is a great way to fend off cabin fever, it does come with some risks. Here are some tips for planning and packing for a safe winter excursion.

11 tips for parents who are feeling overwhelmed

It’s a trying time. As we do our best to cope with the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, remember that stress, and feelings of confusion, disappointment and worry are expected during a crisis (for adults and kids!). To help, we’ve put together some tips for parents on how to cope with the mental health impacts of COVID-19.

The importance of self-care

“How have you been taking care of yourselves?” Lisa Evanoff asks a group of students huddled around a Zoom call in the mostly Indigenous community of Inuvik, Northwest Territories. It’s a simple question, but one that not everybody is equipped to answer.

10 tips to improve your winter driving skills

There are two extremes in our own perceptions of our winter driving capabilities: there are those who it barely phases, moving deftly from summer to winter driving with nary a care other than switching to winter tires OR those who are gripped with panic, frozen in fear if you will, at the idea of driving on slippery, icy roads that no longer have discernable markings making you dependent on the car ahead of you for as long as you can see it.
Where do you fall on the spectrum?

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The purpose of this blog, quite simply, is to talk. This blog is an opportunity for Red Cross staff, volunteers, supporters and friends to share stories about what is happening in your community and the important work you are doing. It is a tool that will help keep all of us connected.

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