Shovelling snow is like a sport unto itself! It is certainly a work-out so it’s important to know how to do it without running the risk of injury. It doesn’t take much to save you a lot of headaches (or should we say, backaches).
To prevent injury, here are some mistakes to avoid:
- Turning only your upper body when putting snow down
- Bending over with your knees straight when lifting a full shovel
- Taking big shovelfuls that are difficult to push or lift
- Tossing the snow over your shoulder
- Using a shovel that is the wrong size or too heavy
- Hurrying to finish quickly
- Waiting for the storm to end before shovelling to avoid having to start over
- Forgetting to warm up before shovelling
Danger: Risk of heart attack
Additionally, according to the Montreal Heart Institute (link in French only), shovelling snow can put you at risk of a heart attack if you aren’t someone who works out regularly — just like any other strenuous physical activity. The problem with shovelling snow is that it increases your heart rate very quickly, especially if the snow is heavy.
For a 40-year-old, the maximum heart rate under effort should be approximately 180 beats per minute. When you are shovelling vigorously, your heart rate can climb to 180 beats/minute in under 45 seconds, which puts a lot of stress on your heart if you are not in shape.
As a result, it’s critical to know the signs and symptoms of a heart attack:
- Squeezing chest pain
- Difficulty breathing
- Abdominal or back pain (more common in women)
- Cold, sweaty skin
- Skin that is bluish or paler than normal
- Nausea and vomiting
- Denial
- Jaw pain
Red Cross first aid and CPR courses teach important lifesaving skills, including how to recognize signs of breathing and circulation emergencies, and how to call for help, perform CPR, and use an automated external defibrillator (AED). You can sign up for Red Cross first aid training in your area.
You can also download our First Aid app. Available for Apple and Android smartphones and tablets, the Canadian Red Cross First Aid app can be downloaded for free and walks you through how to provide first aid in an emergency. It gives you instant access to simple step-by-step videos and advice so that you can master the skills to save a life and respond when needed.
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