First Aid 10

Read blog posts from the Canadian Red Cross about First Aid and CPR

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First Aid for Insect Bites: Beat the Bite

The return of warmer weather is always accompanied by a rise in Canada’s insect population. The buzz of swarming bugs is frustrating for most people, but for those with severe allergies, insect bites are a real concern. Crawling insects such as ticks can harbour Lyme disease and endanger the health of all. Get the upper hand over bugs by knowing how to prevent insect bites, and the appropriate First Aid to deal with insect bites.

Online first aid and water safety sessions & activities now available

There may be some differences this swimming season - and please follow local guidelines and rules when it comes to public water - but skills in water safety and first aid stay the same. With that in mind, we are providing a series of online water safety sessions to help keep your first aid skills strong this season. 

How tips from Red Cross helped me teach my nephew to ride a bike

​In my mind’s eye, teaching my just-turned-five-year-old nephew how to ride a bike would make for delightful memories resulting in his lifelong enjoyment of this popular activity. In reality, it was not. Here are some tried and true tips in teaching bike safety.

Frostbite on New Year's Eve

Walking my kids to school every day, even during the winter, has taught me to always be mindful of the temperature outside. However, when something is done daily, it becomes routine, and complacency can set in. This is how I learned about frostbite.

Using the Red Cross app to help a stranger

Long-time paramedic, Lyle Karasiuk, was taking a routine call for a person lying on a street in Prince Albert, Saskatchewan. When he arrived, he found three people - a man lying on the ground, one woman standing and talking on her phone, and a second woman crouching beside the man scrolling on her phone.

Everybody freeze! Tips you should know for a safe polar bear plunge

As Canadians, we’ve learned to make the best of our cold, snowy winters. We’ve found many ways to keep ourselves entertained in the chilly winter months with activities like skiing, skating, snowshoeing and even swimming. You read that right - every winter, thousands of Canadians put on their bathing suits and take a dip in the icy waters, an activity called the Polar Bear Plunge.

20 things to try in 2020

Take a look at this list of things we think you should do – whether to better prepare yourself, for emergency situations, or to help others, tackling this list would make for a great New Year ahead!

Top 10 stories from 2019

As this year comes to an end, we are reviewing the stories that were the most popular in 2019. Take a look at the blog posts that captured readers’ attention this year, from inspiring stories to helpful advice about staying safe. Here are the top 10 stories from our blog in 2019.

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The purpose of this blog, quite simply, is to talk. This blog is an opportunity for Red Cross staff, volunteers, supporters and friends to share stories about what is happening in your community and the important work you are doing. It is a tool that will help keep all of us connected.

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