First Aid 8

Read blog posts from the Canadian Red Cross about First Aid and CPR

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Fall brings colour and caution: how to get ready for colder weather

Fall weather brings a lot of uncertainty – but we can be certain that fall weather means increasingly colder temperatures, especially at night, and accompanying freezing rain, overnight freezes, storms are on the horizon. Here are some tips to help you be ready.

How to manage holiday stress during COVID-19

Holidays of all sorts are upon us and it can be an exciting time for many – but it can also be challenging for many as well, especially during COVID-19. Here are some tips and resources to help you manage holiday stress - during a pandemic.

Mental health and exercise: working together for wellbeing

The Canadian Mental Health Association estimates that 1 in 5 Canadians will experience a mental health crisis or be diagnosed with a mental illness. By age 40, that ratio increases to every 1 in 2 Canadians. While the benefits of physical activity on physical health are well known, being active can also be an effective pathway to good mental health. Here's how.

The impact of stress on your mental health

In today’s society, many things can be a source of stress. So how can you limit the impacts of stress on your physical and mental health? Here's more on how stress affects our mental and physical health as well as tips on managing your stress:

How to celebrate Halloween during COVID-19

In many ways, parenthood is a continuous lesson in flexibility and adapting to changes. In addition to adapting to how COVID-19 has impacted back to school routine for everyone again this year, this maman is getting ready to pivot on what it means for certain activities that are coming up.

Improving seniors’ safety and wellbeing in the home

Often a senior’s wellbeing involves looking into day-to-day safety to prevent injuries or even inconveniences. Here are some tips that may prove useful for seniors, especially during the pandemic.

Treat summer injuries (Part Two)

Even when we take steps to prevent injuries, we know sometimes things just happen. With children enjoying the outdoors, there are some summertime-specific injuries to be aware of, and what you can do when they happen.

How Canadians have benefitted from taking Psychological First Aid

For a lot of us, this pandemic has changed how we experience day-to-day stress. People from across the country have been using our online Psychological First Aid courses to help find balance for themselves and better support those around them.
Here’s how Canadians have put the Psychological First Aid courses to work for them: 

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The purpose of this blog, quite simply, is to talk. This blog is an opportunity for Red Cross staff, volunteers, supporters and friends to share stories about what is happening in your community and the important work you are doing. It is a tool that will help keep all of us connected.

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