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Red Cross swimming shaped my life while saving others

Thirty years ago, in August 1989, Barb McNeill of Summerside, PEI, swam the English Channel, one of 15 Canadians to date and the only one from PEI who has done so. Decades later, her passion for swimming and water safety is perhaps rivalled only by the love of her golden retrievers.

After Cyclone Idai: Rebuilding and patient care at Nhamatanda Hospital

Over the past six month, the Red Cross has been working to improve healthcare in Cyclone Idai impacted Mozambique. Canadian Red Crosser Jenn Houtby recently returned from Mozambique, where she was able to take stock of just how much work has been accomplished over the last months. 

Strengthening diversity: Women leaders in the Red Cross Red Crescent Movement

The Canadian Red Cross is committed to promoting gender equality and inclusion. Right now, only 21 per cent of national Red Cross and Red Crescent societies are women, despite fact that women make up 50 per cent of the staff. GLOW Red is a global network for women who are leaders in the Red Cross and Red Crescent movement around the world. The aim of this initiative is to promote more women leaders, while mentoring and coaching women to get them into those leadership places.

Tips to help you manage stress this holiday season

While the holidays can be an exciting time, it can also be a difficult time for some of us. Even for those surrounded by festivities, food and family, it can be a time when we feel alone, disconnected or isolated, for many reasons, which affects our sense of wellbeing and mental health. Here, we’ve gathered some information on stress, and tips for taking care of yourself and others. 

Recovering from disasters and emergencies includes mental health

Today is World Mental Health Day, and the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement is calling for increased recognition to the mental health consequences of humanitarian crises. It is also advocating for increased action in addressing the critical gaps that exist in providing mental health supports and services.

Providing HELP in Yukon: how volunteers are making a big impact

When Lynn Alcock received a call from the Red Cross to assist temporarily in the Health Equipment Loan Program, she immediately said yes. Nine years later, the former mental health counsellor still enjoys giving her time to help Yukoners. When asked what keeps her coming back, volunteer Cornelia Tegart says it is all about helping people.

Providing health care services to refugees in Lebanon

About an hour’s drive south along the coast from Beirut lies the five-story 75-bed Hamshary hospital. Run by the Palestine Red Crescent Society, it was initially set up to provide health services to the surrounding Palestinian refugee camps, but the hospital is open to anyone in need.

Canadian Red Cross volunteers promote Prince George’s ‘spirit of volunteerism’

“I help when I can, where I can” Andreschefski explained. “Outside of working hours it takes little time to go meet up with someone affected by a personal disaster like a house fire and make sure they have a roof over their head for the next couple of days and that they’ve got enough groceries. That takes maybe an hour or two out of my day.”

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The purpose of this blog, quite simply, is to talk. This blog is an opportunity for Red Cross staff, volunteers, supporters and friends to share stories about what is happening in your community and the important work you are doing. It is a tool that will help keep all of us connected.

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