First Aid 4

Read blog posts from the Canadian Red Cross about First Aid and CPR

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Dispelling myths: Should you ice or heat an injury?

As we go through life, bumps, bruises, scrapes, and falls are often part of the human experience. Whether through unexpected slips and falls, sports injuries, or an occasional case of clumsiness, some misadventures can lead to more serious injuries to bones, muscles and joints.

Welcome to Canadian winter: After the winter storm

The blizzard has finally passed. The ice storm has stopped raging. Your home is snowed in and the power is out, though thankfully your household members are safely inside. For many newcomers, the aftermath of a winter emergency requires a safe and strategic approach, including advanced planning.

7 days of winter preparedness

What makes the difference between a bad winter and a good one is preparation. Depending on where you live, winter can mean extreme cold temperatures, snow storms and power outages. Join us for the next seven days as we do one small thing each day to help prepare for cold days ahead.

Welcome to Canadian winter: Navigating in winter conditions

Getting out and about during winter is something that newcomers need to prepare for in advance. Breathtaking, frozen Canadian landscapes require special knowledge, skills and planning to navigate safely. Many classic wintertime activities involve being well prepared before getting started.

Welcome to Canadian winter: Dressing for winter conditions

Canada’s famously cold temperatures can easily catch people by surprise. As newcomers learn about their new country, winter weather will be a big part of this introduction – so the Canadian Red Cross and Immigration Services Association of Nova Scotia (ISANS) have teamed up to provide helpful advice to help them dress for winter success!

Welcome to Canadian winter: preparing newcomers for their first winter

For all of its beauty, Canada’s winters can be harsh, long, and full of unexpected or hidden dangers. Luckily, with some practical cold climate planning and winter safety knowledge, new Canadians can arrive ready for real life winter situations.

6 common kitchen mistakes that start fires

Many of us have found ourselves baking and cooking more. With all this increased kitchen action, there’s also bound to be accidents. Kitchen fires are the leading cause of home fires in Canada. Take a look at some common habits that may lead to a kitchen fire.

Transit trio apply critical first aid skills to save a life

Everyday transit enforcement officers patrol bus hubs in the City of Mississauga with the goal to keep everyone safe. One day, in early January, Michal and two of his colleagues relied their first aid training to save a man’s life.

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The purpose of this blog, quite simply, is to talk. This blog is an opportunity for Red Cross staff, volunteers, supporters and friends to share stories about what is happening in your community and the important work you are doing. It is a tool that will help keep all of us connected.

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