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Photo of the Day: Red Cross in action in Thunder Bay

[slideshow] The Canadian Red Cross continues to provide support to those affected by severe flooding in Thunder Bay.  Working with community officials, the Red Cross is going door to door to meet with families in 1,500 homes affected by the floods...

On the Ground in Thunder Bay

*photos by Johan Hallberg-Campbell [slideshow] The Canadian Red Cross continues to help families in Thunder Bay whose homes have been affected by massive flooding that occurred a week ago. To ensure the Red Cross has the most qualified disaster...

Images from the Thunder Bay floods

[slideshow] The Canadian Red Cross is on the ground in Thunder Bay, helping to provide support and comfort to people affected by severe flooding that has affected approximately 1,500 homes. Working closely with community officials, Red Cross volun...

Red Cross responding to floods in Thunder Bay

The last several days, Canadian Red Cross volunteers have been on the ground responding to massive floods in Thunder Bay, ON. Heavy rains and a sewage back-up caused the flooding, which forced the municipality to declare a State of Emergency earlier ...

Photo of the Day: Red Cross volunteers in South Sudan

Red Cross volunteers assist with the birth of the first baby born in the International Medical Corps clinic in Kapuri Transit Camp.  The mother was airlifted from Sudan to South Sudan to give birth. Click here for more information on Red Cross e...

The Red Cross Round-up

The Round-up offers a weekly sample of what our sister Red Cross Societies are working on around the world.ITALY: Following a second major earthquake in northern Italy yesterday, the Italian Red Cross, in close cooperation with civil protection autho...

Photo of the Day: Keeping kids safe in sport

Helmets and pads can only go so far to protect kids who play sports. That’s why respect was the theme of Hockey Canada’s AGM held in Halifax this past week and the focus of a talk by former NHL player Sheldon Kennedy who has spoken extensively abou...

Keep cool with these cool hats!

With temperatures soaring here in Southern Ontario (it’s expected to feel like 39C in Toronto today), everyone is trying to figure out how to beat the heat. The Red Cross recommends that people drink lots of water and take breaks in order to stay ...

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The purpose of this blog, quite simply, is to talk. This blog is an opportunity for Red Cross staff, volunteers, supporters and friends to share stories about what is happening in your community and the important work you are doing. It is a tool that will help keep all of us connected.

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