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Buckles’ great golfing adventure

Our water safety mascot Buckles was a hit at the first annual Canadian Red Cross charity golf tournament in Calgary on Thursday. Buckles' unusual one-arm swing was just one of the highlights of the day. The tournament took place at the prestig...

Photo of the Day: World's Largest Swim Lesson

More than 50 students from Hampton, New Brunswick jumped in the town’s only pool today to learn to swim. They joined thousands of other people from all over the world who participated in the World's Largest Swim Lesson to set a new Guinness World R...

The Red Cross Round-up

The Round-up offers a weekly sample of what our sister Red Cross Societies are working on around the world.SOUTH SUDAN: Over 375,000 people originating from South Sudan have crossed the border from the north since November 2010, many returning follow...

Photo of the Day: Red Crescent responding to devastating floods in Northern Afghanistan

Continuous rains coupled with the melting of the huge accumulation of snow across mountain ranges have triggered flooding which has swept down through valleys and innundated villages in the Sar-e-Pol province northern Afghanistan. The flooding ca...

Volunteer profile: Coming full circle

Sometimes, it only takes a spark to change the course of a life. In the case of Red Cross volunteer Emily Zinck, a workshop on landmines during a high school global history class has lead to a blossoming career researching the impact of violence on c...

Photo of the Day: Reflecting on a busy year in Quebec

  Canadian Red Cross volunteers and staff in Quebec had good reasons to cheer and celebrate at the annual general meeting held recently in Trois-Rivières. Over the past year, the Red Cross responded to significant flooding in the Montérégie region, ...

Are you a water safety star? Here are the results of our quiz!

Last week, we asked you to test your water knowledge by taking our water safety mini-quiz. Here are the answers! (Did you get them all right?) 1. You don’t have to wear a lifejacket while out on the water.  Having one close-by is good enough.Answe...

Thunder Bay: Largest Red Cross response in Ontario in a decade

The Canadian Red Cross continues to work on the ground in Thunder Bay, ON, providing urgently-needed relief to families whose homes have been devastated by flooding that occurred more than a week ago. With more than 3,000 homes affected and more ...

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The purpose of this blog, quite simply, is to talk. This blog is an opportunity for Red Cross staff, volunteers, supporters and friends to share stories about what is happening in your community and the important work you are doing. It is a tool that will help keep all of us connected.

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