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National Lifejacket Day photo contest winners!

Guest entry by Nita Singh, coordinator, National Marketing @ Promotions with the Canadian Red Cross Announcing the winners of our National Lifejacket Day photo contest 2012! We had several creative entries this year – our panel of judges had a dif...

Food Friday: The Red Cross Cookbook

*Every Friday is all about food on Red Cross Talks – everything from Red Cross inspired recipes to emergency food tips and solutionsWe recently found out about this cookbook from the Aurora, ON Historical Society. It was compiled by the ladies of the...

Photo of the Day: Amazing athletes triumph on the basketball court

A wheelchair basketball tournament in Kabul recently brought together players from Mazar-i Sharif, Kabul, Herat and Maimana. The ICRC organized the event, in close collaboration with the Afghan Para-Olympic Committee, is part of the ICRC’s long-run...

Red Cross Round-up

 The Round-up offers a weekly sample of what our sister Red Cross Societies are working on around the world. MYANMAR: Myanmar Red Cross Society volunteers are providing emergency health care to people injured in unrest in the northwestern state of...

Photo of the Day: finding the perfect fit

Shannon Scully-Pratt, a Canadian Red Cross Water Safety Representative in Ontario, shared this photo with us of a recent shopping trip she went on with her young niece for lifejackets. Here, they are trying on lifejackets to find the perfect fit. ...

Photo of the Day: A Red Cross welcome in Halifax

Support for the Canadian Red Cross is blooming in Halifax! You'll spot this floral display on the approach to the MacKay Bridge that crosses the harbour to Dartmouth. The flower bed is the work of city staff who arranged the flowers to represent th...

Keeping hydrated? Reward yourself with some chocolate

Staying hydrated is very important for people living in Central Canada this week. This part of the country is being slammed with a heat wave, with temperatures expected to soar to 40C or more with the humidex. By staying hydrated, you can help...

Photo of the Day: 13 million volunteers

The Red Cross Red Crescent Movement believes that volunteering is at the heart of community building. As world leaders, organizations and other stakeholders come together this week at Rio+20 to discuss social, environmental and economic resilienc...

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The purpose of this blog, quite simply, is to talk. This blog is an opportunity for Red Cross staff, volunteers, supporters and friends to share stories about what is happening in your community and the important work you are doing. It is a tool that will help keep all of us connected.

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