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Is Bieber Fever an infectious disease?

Watch out for the “Bieber Fever”. It is more infectious than the measles, according to a new study. Using mathematical models, researchers at the University of Ottawa found that “Bieber Fever” (when fans become hysterical over Canadian pop sta...

Photo of the Day: Red Crescent responds to flooding in northern Afghanistan

Thousands have been forced from their homes by flooding in northern Afghanistan that was triggered by continuous rains coupled with the melting of the huge accumulation of snow across the Hindu Kush mountain ranges. The Red Crescent response was im...

Are you a water safety star? Take our quiz!

June 3-9 is National Water Safety Week and we’re encouraging Canadians to stay safe around water this summer. When it comes to water safety, show us that you know your stuff!  Take our mini-quiz below and provide your answers in the comments secti...

The Red Cross Round-up

The Round-up offers a weekly sample of what our sister Red Cross Societies are working on around the world.GAMBIA: Drought has affected tens of thousands of Gambian families, forcing them to sell assets and livestock or survive on charity and foragin...

Thunder Bay flooding: Experience and expertise on the ground

We're over a week into the response to significant flooding in Thunder Bay, Ontario and the Red Cross has significantly ramped up its operations to assess the needs of affected residents, provide emergency relief and plan for longer term recovery. Wh...

Red Cross in Action: Trauma surgeon ready for deployment

For Canadian Red Cross aid worker and volunteer Dr. Hans Cunningham, the Red Cross has always been an important part of his family. The connection started in 1945 when his mother, Edith, fled from war-stricken Czechoslovakia taking refuge with her...

Photo of the Day: Gearing up for a safe boating season

The Canadian Red Cross and Transport Canada are partnering to keep boaters safe around Atlantic Canada this summer. A keen group of boating safety officers is receiving joint training at the Red Cross office in Dartmouth this week, which also coinc...

Red Cross responds when Bieber Fever strikes Norway

Red Crossers are ready to respond to any emergency. This was definitely the case in Norway last week, when Canadian pop star, Justin Bieber announced he was having a surprise concert in Oslo.  The result was pandemonium in the city; a mad rush...

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The purpose of this blog, quite simply, is to talk. This blog is an opportunity for Red Cross staff, volunteers, supporters and friends to share stories about what is happening in your community and the important work you are doing. It is a tool that will help keep all of us connected.

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