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Youth shine at national AGM

The Canadian Red Cross held its annual general meeting in Halifax this past weekend. Of course, important announcements were made including a new partnership with CIDA, awards were handed out, and staff and volunteers shared successes from the past y...

Photo of the Day: American Red Cross helps wash away the aftermath of Tropical Storm Debby

*Guest entry by Gina Holmes, Public Affairs team, Ottawa Pictured above is 3 month old Jennifer Suarez along with her mom Natallie Suarez and grandmother Anna Gonzalez.  All three of them are evacuees staying at one of the shelters that were opene...

Be a hero!

Ryan Huckle is a philosophy grad student and first aider from Kitchener-Waterloo. He recently took part in Ignite Waterloo where he gave a thought-provoking talk on CPR called "Why You (Probably) Won't Be A Hero." We think it raises some very interes...

The Red Cross Round-up

The Round-up offers a weekly sample of what our sister Red Cross Societies are working on around the world.PHILIPPINES: Six months after Tropical Storm Washi wreaked havoc in northern Mindanao, hundreds of families are still homeless, living in evacu...

Photo of the Day: No ordinary pair of boots

This image was shared with us on our Facebook page earlier this month. We thought it was such a cool photo, that we decided to share it on the blog! This pair of rubber boots was signed by every Canadian Red Crosser deployed to Thunder Bay, ON t...

Photo of the Day: Highest honour

Two long-time volunteers of the Canadian Red Cross in Atlantic Canada received the Order of Red Cross this past weekend during the national annual general meeting in Halifax. Jeff Blackwood of St. John’s, NL has been involved with the Red Cross fo...

Photo of the Day: Momstown staying safe around water

[slideshow] Canadian Red Cross water safety experts have been meeting with our partner, Momstown, across Ontario to help moms learn more about how to keep their children safe around the water. Take a look at these photos from our workshops in Barr...

Tech Talk: New apps bring first aid to your phone

What’s the first thing many of us do in an emergency situation? We turn to our smart phones for help. Whether it’s to call 9-1-1 or to look up information, mobile devices have become our go-to technology. That’s why we’re excited to check out two new...

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About The Blog

The purpose of this blog, quite simply, is to talk. This blog is an opportunity for Red Cross staff, volunteers, supporters and friends to share stories about what is happening in your community and the important work you are doing. It is a tool that will help keep all of us connected.

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