First Aid 12

Read blog posts from the Canadian Red Cross about First Aid and CPR

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Two Women Receive Award for Saving Man's Life

The evening in February began as a celebration of the Okotoks Dawgs baseball team at its annual banquet dinner – and ended early when the guest speaker had a medical emergency.

Canadian Baseball Hall of Fame member and renowned sports journalist and author Bob Elliott was just minutes into his speech when he went into cardiac arrest and lost consciousness.

First-hand experiences with first aid app

Recently, I had a couple panic-inducing situations with my five-year-old nephew where I was very glad I had the Canadian Red Cross First Aid app on my phone. It helped mitigate some natural-born panic and saved my nephew some pain since my natural instincts were in direct opposition to what I should do to properly care for him.

Things to consider for spring break

It’s the time of year when many schools have a spring or March break and often families will take advantage of the time off to travel or get active. Whether it’s preparing to take a tropical trip or getting ready to entertain out-of-school youth, here are some tips to get ready.

Reducing mental health stigma, responding to mental health crisis

When many of us think of first aid, we picture bandages and CPR - but first aid isn't just a life-saving and harm-reducing intervention for physical injuries. This is where psycholigcal first aid comes in, responding to mental health crisis, and helping to reduce the stigma around mental health. 

Great Canadian hacks for winter

We are Canadians; we know how to handle cold winters – and even enjoy the snow, ice and other winter activities! Whether learned from parents, friends or the experience of several winter seasons, we’ve compiled some clever winter hacks to help keep you safe and warm through our coldest months.

Ice, ice, safety!

Digital volunteer Farah Ng's and her family were quick to embrace Canada's winter weather when relatives arrived from Hong Kong - in this blog she shares some ways to enjoy fun on the ice while staying safe.

Leduc teen receives Canadian Red Cross Rescuer Award

Leduc teen Rebecka Blackburn was enjoying an afternoon with family at the North Saskatchewan river in Devon in July 2018 when she noticed a man swimming in the water was in trouble. She didn’t hesitate to jump in and pull him to shore.

5 safety stocking stuffers

The holidays are a time to celebrate in good health with family and friends. Give the gift of safety this holiday season with 5 affordable ideas that suit any person on your list.

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The purpose of this blog, quite simply, is to talk. This blog is an opportunity for Red Cross staff, volunteers, supporters and friends to share stories about what is happening in your community and the important work you are doing. It is a tool that will help keep all of us connected.

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