So many changes happen when we become parents. Subsisting on 2 hours of sleep a night and copious coffee; falling in love with our children; cleaning near constant messes; embracing kids music that makes no sense. We’ve all been there.
First Aid 13
Read blog posts from the Canadian Red Cross about First Aid and CPR
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Snuggle up with your favourite hot beverage and read these quick First Aid for cold weather tips to prepare yourself for the Canadian winter as it approaches.
What would you say if I told you that you had the power to save a life in your community? Would you believe me? Saving a life is easier than you might think. November is CPR month and as a paramedic, I can’t stress enough how important bystander CPR is in the chain of survival when a persons’ heart stops.
It’s already cold and flu season when you hear people all around you coughing and sniffling and you just hope to avoid it this year. What do you know about your contagious enemy beside the fact that it gets you down for a few days?
What do you think of when you hear 'first aid'? Cuts, blood, and bruises - any number of physical injuries may come to mind. Typically, first aid provides the skills to physically help save a life. However, first aid for the mind is just as important as first aid for the body. Learning psychological first aid skills for mental health crises could also save a life. This program is being introduced and offered by Canadian Red Cross training partners and online across Canada.
A lot of Canadians enjoy outdoor activities from hiking or biking to camping and so much more that our beautiful country offers. While enjoying, however, keep in mind some factors to be aware of, such as sun, bugs and accidents, which can be more challenging to handle outside. Prevention is key, and planning properly for outdoor adventures can minimize risks to fully enjoy our country's nature!
When Inga Sloan arrived at Canadian Forces Base Borden to teach a Canadian Red Cross CPR/AED first aid course, she had no idea she would be teaching the people who would save her life.
With sweltering heat expected for Canada Day weekend, here are ways to beat the heat so you can enjoy the celebrations.