Mental Health and Wellbeing

Woman showing exercises to an elderly person

As we do our best to cope with the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, remember that stress, and feelings of confusion, disappointment and worry are expected during a crisis (for adults and kids!). Below are some resources to help you and your loved ones manage your physical and mental wellbeing during the COVID-19 pandemic. Additional resources are also available for non-Covid-19 emergencies, including fires & floods events. 

General care and mental health

People may have physical, emotional and behavioural reactions to abnormal events and continuous change.

 Discover common signs and how to address them with these useful tools:

Register to take our online Psychological First Aid courses at your own pace on our user-friendly platform.

Read inspiring wellbeing stories on our blog.

Tips for parents and educators

Emergencies can impact children in different ways. Learn how to talk to youth and children about COVID-19 to reduce their anxiety, and how to manage stress.

Tips for caregivers and those at high risk

While all Canadians are at risk of contracting COVID-19, certain Canadians are at higher risk of experiencing serious complications due to their weakened immune systems.

More tips: