Red Cross Programs (Page 33)

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Bullying prevention tips for at-risk children

This guest blog post is in celebration of the Day of Pink, taking place in Saskatchewan on April 1 and Manitoba and elsewhere on April 8. 
It's not your imagination: children who are struggling with mental health, neurodevelopmental, and behavioural challenges are more likely to be bullied—and/or to bully—other children.

Red Cross Babysitting Course equips kids for a lifetime

With March Break around the corner, parents may be looking for activities to engage their youth. If your kid is of age (11-15 years old), consider a Red Cross babysitting course to equip your child with qualities needed in caring for others.

Highlights from bullying prevention Twitter chat

On February 25th, parents, educators and some of our partners who work in the field of bullying prevention education and awareness joined us for a Twitter chat as we marked Pink Shirt Day. Here are hightlights from the Twitter conversation, compiled through Storify. Thanks to all the participants, including Red Cross social ambassador and author of book on parenting and mental health, Ann Douglas. 

Spread kindness, prevent bullying - join the conversation Feb 25

On February 25 at 9 p.m. EST, join in our Twitter Chat on Bullying Prevention (#RedCrossPinkChat ) and be part of the movement to end bullying, whether it takes place in-person or online (cyberbullying).

Raising awareness of Restoring Family Links

Losing touch with family members is common following disasters or conflicts. Communication lines get broken, families get dispersed and there’s no way of getting in touch. Often, families don’t even know where to start, or if their relatives are even alive.

Meals on Wheels: Providing more than food

Many of us have heard the term Meals on Wheels and understand the gist of what it entails, but the Canadian Red Cross program offers more than you might expect.

Giving Tuesday: Text to donate to Red Cross in Atlantic Canada

This Giving Tuesday, support the Red Cross by participating in local events across Atlantic Canada. Or, you can text redcross to 30333 to donate $5 instantly.

Full circle with Meals on Wheels for two long-time volunteers

Jean and Arthur Mosher's experience with Meals on Wheels has come full circle. Both were volunteers over 25 years ago when the Red Cross took over operating the program from a church in the Etobicoke community where Jean and Arthur lived. 

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About The Blog

The purpose of this blog, quite simply, is to talk. This blog is an opportunity for Red Cross staff, volunteers, supporters and friends to share stories about what is happening in your community and the important work you are doing. It is a tool that will help keep all of us connected.

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