Red Cross Programs (Page 36)

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Youth Volunteers supporting mental health in the Philippines

Tomorrow marks three months since Typhoon Haiyan struck the Philippines.

Canadian Red Cross surgical team to assist in South Sudan conflict

Five Canadian Red Cross medical personnel are being deployed to South Sudan to increase the International Committee of the Red Cross’ (ICRC) surgical capacity in communities recently affected by conflict in the region.

Delegate Profile: Denyse Bourgault working in the Philippines

Denyse had always wanted to do humanitarian work but the opportunity didn’t present itself until a few years ago, after she raised her two kids and the Canadian Red Cross began deploying psychosocial support delegates after the Haiti earthquake.

Haiti was Denyse’s first mission with the Red Cross. Since then she’s been back to Haiti a second time to provide psychosocial support during a cholera outbreak, and to Pakistan to provide that same support after a flood. Her latest deployment  as a member of the Emergency Response Unit (ERU) has taken her to the Philippines, to help out after Typhoon Haiyan.  

Photo of the Day: Canadian Red Cross open house in Grande Prairie

After relocating in May, we officially celebrated the new Red Cross office in Grande Prairie on December 5.

Volunteer Spotlight: Kelly Turner in Calgary

Kelly Turner started volunteering with the Canadian Red Cross two and a half years ago after assisting in an online group to help the victims of a flood in North Dakota. Since then, she has been deployed to disasters across the country to help provid...

Bring 'em out!

This prairie girl doesn’t want to brag, but did you see who is in the Grey Cup in Regina this week? That’s right, those are my Saskatchewan Roughriders. I will be in the crowd cheering loud for the team that supports our Red Cross youth program a...

It all started in the back of a station wagon...

Fifty years ago today, the Canadian Red Cross established the first Meals on Wheels program in Canada. The program started in Brantford Ontario after resident Elsie Matthews approached the Red Cross with the idea to replicate a unique program ...

Reaching Northern communities affected by disasters

We are always thrilled when new volunteers sign up but we were especially excited with some of our most recent recruits in Saskatchewan. There are Red Cross disaster volunteers across the entire country who help ensure assistance is quickly ma...

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The purpose of this blog, quite simply, is to talk. This blog is an opportunity for Red Cross staff, volunteers, supporters and friends to share stories about what is happening in your community and the important work you are doing. It is a tool that will help keep all of us connected.

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