Red Cross Programs (Page 35)

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A 2,069 kilometre road trip to train disaster volunteers

Recently, Canadian Red Cross in Manitoba went on a road trip to train groups of volunteers as members of new Personal Disaster Assistance (PDA) teams in Flin Flon, The Pas and Thompson. The PDA teams, made up entirely of local volunteers, will provide support and basic necessities including clothes and shelter to families that have been displaced by house fires and other small disasters. Here’s a travel journal of the 2,069 kilometre road trip. We hope you enjoy it.

Red Cross Volunteers provide emotional support in Chilean disaster

Chile recently experienced two significant disasters, devastating fires and earthquake, that required more than simply providing for people's physical well-being. Red Cross volunteers on the ground also provided emotional support, as psychosocial aid is key to helping people recover from disasters. Two volunteers from the Chilean Red Cross share their stories.

Tech Talk: Making it easy for Ontarians to access community support

A recent addition to the Canadian Red Cross website now makes it easier for people in Ontario to locate community support services in their area. A new listings directory enhances the experience for visitors to the site who are looking for Red Cross support services such as nutritional assistance through Meals on Wheels or rides to and from medical appointments.

Volunteer overcomes obstacles to help others

Physical disability has not stopped Cherri Lynn Hocken from volunteering for the Canadian Red Cross. She has now dedicated more than 15 years with the organization.

A tradition that keeps on giving

Jane Belyk delicate fingers weave effortlessly between her needle and wool. Her scarf is nearly done – dancing colours of blue, green and a pale yellow fill her design. She is among a group of seven ladies sitting around a table at the Canadian Red Cross office in Calgary, like they do every Tuesday, knitting blankets and other material to local community groups, such as the Sheldon Kennedy Advocacy Centre and Raido Youth Transition House.

How Atlantic Canada weathered the storm

We always encourage people to know the risks, make a plan and get a kit so they can be ready for any emergency.

While much of Atlantic Canada is digging out from what has been described as a weather bomb, or spring blizzard, we thought we’d check in to see how residents of the Atlantic provinces prepared and got through the storm.

Progress after the Alberta floods

Eight months after the Alberta floods, the DeMan family home in Calgary still isn’t fully habitable, one son lives with an uncle, and their child care business is located elsewhere. The June 2013 floods may have faded from the headlines, but the DeMan family still lives with the consequences of the disaster, as do many others in southern Alberta. The Canadian Red Cross continues to provide assistance to families and communities as their needs emerge.

Volunteer Profile: Retirement is the perfect time to help

"Sit back and relax." This was not something Mike Pudelko understood well after retirement. After a lengthy career in computer sciences, he was eager to put his hands to work by volunteering for a worthy cause.
"I had been a supporter of the Red Cross for many years so I was quite interested in seeing what volunteer opportunities existed with them," Pudelko recalls.

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The purpose of this blog, quite simply, is to talk. This blog is an opportunity for Red Cross staff, volunteers, supporters and friends to share stories about what is happening in your community and the important work you are doing. It is a tool that will help keep all of us connected.

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