*Guest blog by Nita Singh, coordinator, National Marketing @ Promotions with the Canadian Red Cross. National Lifejacket Day is May 19, and we are inviting you to help promote the importance of lifejacket wear by entering our photo contest. Show us t...
First Aid 28
Read blog posts from the Canadian Red Cross about First Aid and CPR
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When the earthquake and subsequent tsunami struck Japan, the Japanese Red Cross response was immediate. Their first task was, and continues to be, to provide first-aid and medical care, as well as assist with search and rescue. The Japanese Red Cr...
“I don’t know what to wear.” As a young woman, I admit this is a phrase that I have said on more than one occasion. However, this morning, with temperatures in Toronto reaching -21C, it had a whole other meaning – warmth was my main focus, not so...
The cold water survival experiments by University of Manitoba professor and researcher Dr. Gordon Giesbrecht – dubbed Professor Popsicle – may seem a bit quirky, but cold water shock is no laughing matter. The ice on lakes and ponds in many parts ...
** Guest blog by Don Marentette, Red Cross Canada’s national manager of first aid programs. Don is currently in California attending the Emergency Cardiovascular Care Update conference. We asked him to share some updates on the conference on this blo...
You‘re a teenager at a party having a good time, when your friend, who has had too much to drink, passes out. What do you do? Our sister society, the British Red Cross, is tackling this issue by recently launching a campaign called “Life. Liv...
I arrived at my first aid class this week armed with a pen, a notebook, and a thirst for some first aid knowledge. I will admit it had been awhile since I had brushed up on my first aid skills. I got my certification years back, and meant to recertif...
Three years ago, Deb Demaine was in the midst of a career change. She started teaching first aid as a part-time job, not knowing it would change her life. Nowadays, Deb can be found teaching first aid full-time in Niagara and Halton regi...