*Every Friday is all about food on Red Cross Talks – everything from Red Cross inspired recipes to emergency food tips and solutionsThis edition of Food Friday is for all the vegetarians out there! This item was recently brought to my attention - ...
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*Guest blog by International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) delegate Kathy Mueller. Kathy, originally from London, Ontario, is currently in Japan. “The earthquake saved my life.” It’s a strange thing to hear, coming from...
* Guest blog by Canadian Red Cross intern Megan Hope We’re excited to share with you news about one of our colleagues who has been nominated for a Women of Distinction Award from the YWCA. Susan Johnson, Director General for International Operati...
We recently found something that you can add to your disaster dining arsenal- a spice kit that can easily fit into your home preparedness kit or can slip into a backpack to take with you on-the-go. Called “The Mobile Foodie Survival Kit” it cont...
People are getting excited about a new campaign by the Canadian Red Cross called The Volunteer Market that lets people volunteer their time or talent in exchange for a donation. The idea was first developed to bring some creativity and fun to workpla...
On Monday, we told you about Mayors for Meals – an initiative that several Ontario mayors are taking part in this week to help raise awareness about Meals on Wheels programs in the community. The mayors have been stepping in as volunteers for a da...
*Guest blog by Kathy Mueller (of London, Ontario), International Federation of Red Cross Communications Delegate in Japan. Kathy just arrived in Japan and will be providing updates for us.It is my first full day in Japan. I arrived from Pakistan late...
It has been one week since a devastating 9.0 earthquake, and following tsunami, struck northeastern Japan leaving extensive damage and destruction in its wake. The Japanese Red Cross was on the ground immediately responding to this disaster. Check...