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Super Bowl worthy Red Cross TV spots

As all football fanatics know, this Sunday is Super Bowl XLV – the most important game of the year! And while millions of people tune-in to see the outcome of the game, many people also watch for the commercials. Super Bowl ads are known for being...

Meet Sophie – the next generation of Red Cross supporters

Red Cross supporters come from all backgrounds and ages. One of our most devoted and youngest supporters is no doubt a 9-year-old named Sophie from Sault Ste. Marie, ON. Last week, Sophie battled a bit of shyness and nerves to stand in front of a ...

You know what lots of snow means: Snow people!

Parts of southwestern Ontario are preparing to be hit by a winter storm, possibly bringing 20-30 cm of snow. And while that amount of snow will make it difficult to get around, there is no better way to spend a snow day than building a snowperson in ...

What is the value of a Red Cross volunteer? A lot

If you could guess the economic worth of all Red Cross, Red Crescent volunteers around the world, what would you say? $100 million US? $500 million US? Try $6 billion US. Yes, you read that right. The International Federation of Red Cross and R...

What to wear when it’s cold out there

 “I don’t know what to wear.” As a young woman, I admit this is a phrase that I have said on more than one occasion. However, this morning, with temperatures in Toronto reaching -21C, it had a whole other meaning – warmth was my main focus, not so...

On thin ice

The cold water survival experiments by University of Manitoba professor and researcher Dr. Gordon Giesbrecht – dubbed Professor Popsicle – may seem a bit quirky, but cold water shock is no laughing matter. The ice on lakes and ponds in many parts ...

Improving health in Haiti

*Guest blog by Conrad Sauvé, Secretary General and Chief Executive Officer of the Canadian Red Cross*We can all remember almost one year ago, image after image of destruction in Haiti following a devastating earthquake. For me, it was the footage of ...

Event: York Region branch’s first official youth art show

If you’re in the area, head downto the Canadian Red Cross York Region’s Youth Art Show tonight. It’s an art show and silent auction all-in-one. Art created by participants of Red Cross Humanitarian Issues Workshops in York Region will be display...

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The purpose of this blog, quite simply, is to talk. This blog is an opportunity for Red Cross staff, volunteers, supporters and friends to share stories about what is happening in your community and the important work you are doing. It is a tool that will help keep all of us connected.

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