Earthquake Awareness Campaigns for Newcomers

British Columbia, Ontario, Quebec | September 2022 - October 2023
A man, woman, and child take cover under a table during an earthquake. The man and woman are holding onto the table with one hand.
Partners for Action’s research for the Inclusive Resilience project revealed that only 25% of newcomers (living for 5 years or less in Canada) from Richmond, and no newcomers to Canada from Ottawa, expected to be affected by an earthquake.

The Inclusive Resilience team, with support from project partners and data specialists, determined areas at high risk of earthquakes and with the highest concentration of newcomer populations. Postcards to over 40,000 addresses, along with targeted digital ads, were disseminated in postal codes within Quebec, Ontario, and British Columbia.

Simultaneously, the Red Cross partnered with five organizations serving newcomers in Montreal, Ottawa, and Vancouver. Over 4,000 newcomers were reached through emails, social media posts, postcards, and in-person workshops. The workshops, which were facilitated by Red Cross volunteers, were the activities most liked by newcomer clientele. The workshops also revealed that newcomers were most interested to "Know what not to do during an earthquake," which allowed them to compare their own experiences with earthquakes in their country of origin.
Resources to explore:

Earthquake Ready webpage