Pillowcase Project: Emergency Preparedness for Children

Starting January 2025, the Canadian Red Cross is excited to offer the Pillowcase Project—an engaging emergency preparedness program for 3rd to 5th graders across Canada. Originally developed by the American Red Cross, this program will be adapted to reflect Canada’s unique disaster landscape and incorporate Indigenous teachings.

Program Overview

The Pillowcase Project is designed to raise awareness among youth about hazards (e.g., flood, wildfire) and the importance of personal disaster preparedness. Delivered in a classroom setting, the program emphasizes the following key concepts:

  • Learn: Students gain basic knowledge about emergencies that could happen where they live and learn how to protect themselves.
  • Practice: Through interactive activities, students reinforce what they’ve learned in a hands-on way.
  • Share: Students are encouraged to share their newfound knowledge through group discussions and problem-solving activities.

Why Participate?

Using these interlocking learning concepts, students will not only understand the environmental causes of hazards (e.g., flood, wildfire) but also learn practical steps to prepare themselves, their families, and their communities for emergencies.

For more information contact us at: DRRCCA@Redcross.ca

Join Our Upcoming Information Session!  

Interested in learning more about the Pillowcase Project? Join us for a virtual information session in November 2024 to learn more about the project, ask questions, and meet the team behind the project!  

Date & Time: Stay tuned! This page will be updated with the confirmed date and time soon. In the meantime, feel free to contact us at DRRCCA@Redcross.ca to be notified directly.