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Canadian Red Cross support in the Europe region

Three children sit at a table drawing while a volunteer in a red vest helps.
(Photo credit: Turkish Red Crescent)

The Canadian Red Cross works alongside Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies in Europe to help support communities impacted by various emergencies and disasters. This includes health, mental health and psychosocial support, shelter assistance, cash and voucher programming, and integrating protection, gender and inclusion considerations.

Our partnerships focus on initiatives and programs that strengthen communities, foster resilience and build the capacity of local response teams for long-term empowerment. The Canadian Red Cross also provides support via our various emergency tools, including through the Government of Canada Emergency Disaster Assistance Fund (EDAF).

Where we provide support


Ukraine and affected countries

A group of three women standing together
(Photo credit: Angela Hill / IFRC)

Since the escalation of the armed conflict in Ukraine, the Canadian Red Cross has worked alongside the Ukrainian Red Cross Society to establish effective response and recovery initiatives to help meet humanitarian needs in Ukraine and neighbouring countries.

Learn more

Southern Caucasus (Armenia) - support to Population Movement

Two people in red speak to a woman sitting in a chair wearing a floral coat.
(Photo credit: Armenia Red Cross)

In the fall of 2023, an escalation of hostilities led to tens of thousands of people crossing into Armenia. The Canadian Red Cross has helped to support our Red Cross Movement partners respond to the urgent humanitarian needs generated by this crisis through funding, including to the Armenian Red Cross through the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) and International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC). This financial assistance included a contribution from the Government of Canada through the Emergency Disaster Assistance Fund (EDAF). The Canadian Red Cross’ contribution to the ICRC helped provide food and winter supplies for those who have been displaced, medical supplies for hospitals, and mental health and psychosocial support. With support of the IFRC, the Armenian Red Cross is providing vital services for people displaced to Armenia, including cash assistance, shelter, and psychosocial support.

Türkiye earthquake

A line of people passing along items from a helicopter
(Photo credit: Turkish Red Cross)

Since the devastating February 2023 earthquake, the Turkish Red Crescent, has been at the heart of the response, providing life-saving humanitarian aid to those impacted. Thanks to support from donors to the Earthquake in Türkiye and Syria appeal, the Canadian Red Cross was able to support the response financially and by sending humanitarian experts. We also worked with the Government of Canada to send 22,000 of their emergency relief items to the Turkish Red Crescent. We continue working closely with the Turkish Red Crescent as they support those impacted by the earthquakes.

Your donation in action

Central Asia (Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Kazakhstan) – helping prepare for emergencies

In partnership with the local Red Crescent Societies and with support from the IFRC, the Canadian Red Cross has provided technical advice and helped to adapt local responses through the Preparedness for Effective Response approach. The Canadian Red Cross works closely with the National Societies of Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan and Tajikistan to strengthen their capacity to respond to disasters and crises and improve their response mechanisms.

Migration in Europe – Support in the Central Mediterranean

A group of people on a boat with Red Cross personnel
(Photo credit: Italian Red Cross)

In 2021-2022, the Canadian Red Cross financially contributed to the IFRC to help support the Italian Red Cross Society with a life-saving humanitarian aid operation in the Central Mediterranean. Since 2014, the Central Mediterranean has become the world’s deadliest migratory route and thousands of lives have been lost since then. The fatalities at sea are avoidable, and the support provided by the Red Cross at Sea program plays a vital role in keeping people safe through the search and rescue Ocean Viking ship. On board the Ocean Viking, our partner SOS MED focuses on the search and rescue operation, while the IFRC supports the people who have been rescued by providing food, water, medical assistance and psychosocial support.