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Join our Twitter chat about emergency preparedness

Some Canadians don’t believe a disaster will happen in their community, yet, last year, many Canadians experienced disasters through events such as the Lac-Megantic derailment, Alberta floods and Toronto ice storm, as well as personal disasters like house fire or flooding. Are you prepared in case of an emergency? Join us on May 7 at 3 pm EDT for a live Twitter chat on emergency preparedness using the hashtag #BeReady.

The Red Cross Social Team: Join us and make a difference

Did you know that in 140 characters or less or by posting on Facebook you can help the Canadian Red Cross carry out our mission during a disaster. Meet two members of the Social Team who love what they do. 

New Social Ambassador: Jamie-Leigh Cuthbertson

We welcome Jamie-Leigh Cuthbertson as our newest Social Ambassador. Jamie had been part of the social media team as consultant but now continues as a volunteer to support the Canadian Red Cross’ online presence.

Tech Talk: Crowdsourcing during emergencies in Kenya

The 2013 World Disasters Report offers a good study of crowdsourcing and the role of digital volunteers in emergencies. Many Red Cross societies around the world are exploring how they can crowdsource and communicate information through social med...

#CRCSyria - Join the Red Cross for a Twitter chat

Join us on Twitter Thursday, Oct. 3 at noon ET for a live Twitter chat on the Syria crisis. The Canadian Red Cross is hosting this chat to raise awareness about the humanitarian disaster. The conflict in Syria and the resulting massive refugee inf...

Canadian Red Cross hosts Twitter chat on Syrian crisis

6.8 million Syrians are in need of humanitarian assistance; more than 2 million are refugees; 4.25 million are displaced in their own country. One of the world’s worst humanitarian emergencies is unfolding in Syria, and aid agencies around the...

Introducing the Disaster preparedness calculator app

Are you prepared for a disaster? Not sure? Well, there’s an app for that! Check out our new disaster preparedness calculator app created with the support of the Red Cross’ leading corporate partner, Walmart. Using this Facebook app is easy: jus...

Tech Talk: #DLWS and what it all means

Have you ever seen the #dlws hashtag on Twitter? It's usually associated with an offhand comment or complaint about the weather. You may have used it to make your own observations too. But do you know what it all means on a larger scale? By the time...

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About The Blog

The purpose of this blog, quite simply, is to talk. This blog is an opportunity for Red Cross staff, volunteers, supporters and friends to share stories about what is happening in your community and the important work you are doing. It is a tool that will help keep all of us connected.

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