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Using CPR to Save Lives

Effective bystander CPR can save lives, which is something Bran Simon learned first-hand a few weeks ago. After hearing yelling and crying in his apartment building, Bran ran over to see what was wrong and saw a man lying on the floor with no vital s...

Photo of the Day: Using fire to charge mobile phones

With thousands of residents in New York and New Jersey left without power following last week's storm, an innovative company from New York took to the streets to set up charging stations. For those left without electricity, mobile phones are one ...

An update from the American Red Cross DigiDOC

Wendy Harman, Director of Social Media at the American Red Cross talks about how the Red Cross is using social media in their response following Hurricane Sandy. The Red Cross has tracked more than 1 million mentions of Sandy and are using its soci...

Tech Talk: Crisis communications in Trillium Resolve exercise

Last week, the Canadian Red Cross participated in a disaster response exercise called Trillium Resolve in order to test and improve Ontario's emergency response programs. The Red Cross participated in the exercise by opening shelters and assisting "v...

Social Media Team at the Red Cross field hospital: #CRCeru

[slideshow] This week Red Cross aid workers from across the country are meeting in Ontario for an intensive training exercise. Each of the 35 aid workers  - delegates as they are known in the Red Cross movement - are part of a larger roster of spe...

Discussions about social media and emergency response survey results

Last week we released the results of a survey on the use of social media in emergencies. The survey showed that 63% of Canadians think emergency services such as fire and police should be prepared to respond to a call for help posted on a social ...

Tech Talk: How Toronto Police are using social media

Social media can play an important role in responding to emergency situations by allowing for timely communication of important facts and information. The Toronto Police Service recognizes the importance of being active on social platforms and has ...

Tech Talk: Using online mapping tools to improve emergency response

There are many possibilities provided by online mapping tools in advancing emergency response. An online map can allow community members to upload geo-tagged information to alert other community members or emergency officials to a problem or situat...

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The purpose of this blog, quite simply, is to talk. This blog is an opportunity for Red Cross staff, volunteers, supporters and friends to share stories about what is happening in your community and the important work you are doing. It is a tool that will help keep all of us connected.

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