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Food Friday: What to cook when it’s boiling outside

They’re baaaacck! The hot temperatures that is. Once again this summer, Toronto is under an Extreme Heat Alert. And, recently, other parts of the country have also faced record high temps. I don’t know about you, but the last thing I want to do ...

Tech Talk: What we learned from Snoop Dogg and geolocation

Geolocation technology is super useful in emergencies and many other situations. However, it can sometimes go awry and lead to some random and occasionally hilarious results. This morning, as we were going about our usual business of reading tweet...

The Red Cross Round-up

*Entry by Gina Holmes, Public Affairs team, Ottawa* The Round-up offers a weekly sample of what our sister Red Cross Societies are working on around the world. INDIA: The monsoon is part of the yearly cycle of life in India, and has been for ce...

Photo of the Day: Red Crossers spend Canada Day on the Hill

[slideshow] These images were submitted to us by the Canadian Red Cross, First Aid Services Team (FAST) in Ottawa. The team - which is comprised of volunteers - recently provided first aid support on Parliament Hill and at the historic Sparks Stre...

Photo of the Day: Ground-breaking of new training centre in St. John’s

Great news to share from Newfoundland and Labrador! Construction began last week to expand the Canadian Red Cross facility in St. John’s. The new addition, the Hibernia Training and Disaster Management Centre, will be used to train volunteers, stor...

Mermaids aren’t real, but don’t fret!

Did you see the headlines last week that there’s no proof mermaids (a.k.a. aquatic humanoids) ever existed? This rather shocking news came from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) – the folks who monitor fairly important things...

The challenges of delivering health care in South Sudan

South Sudan became an independent country one year ago today. The ICRC has been working with the newly created South Sudan Red Cross to deliver health care along the border in very challenging conditions that include violence and lack of resource...

Food Friday: Keeping cool with a tasty smoothie

*Every Friday is all about food on Red Cross Talks – everything from Red Cross inspired recipes to emergency food tips and solutions Staff at the Canadian Red Cross in Nova Scotia recently got a little lesson in smoothie making. It’s all part of t...

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The purpose of this blog, quite simply, is to talk. This blog is an opportunity for Red Cross staff, volunteers, supporters and friends to share stories about what is happening in your community and the important work you are doing. It is a tool that will help keep all of us connected.

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