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Food Friday: A way to finally add bacon to your emergency kit

*Every Friday is all about food on Red Cross Talks – everything from Red Cross inspired recipes to emergency food tips and solutions.This blog entry is for all the meat eaters out there – especially the bacon lovers. There appears to be a lot of b...

Meet the Canadian Red Cross Twitter Team

If you are on Twitter, then chances are you have recently seen messages about the need for aid in Africa coming from members of the new Canadian Red Cross Twitter Team. The Twitter Team is made up of a group of Twitter users who, over the last...

Last week for matching donations to Horn of Africa

Earlier this summer, many of us first heard news of a severe drought in the Horn of Africa that led to food shortages. With millions  at risk of malnutrition and starvation (many of them children), the United Nations declared the crisis in Somalia a ...

Remembering 9/11: a Red Cross perspective

As the 10th anniversary of 9/11 approaches, the Canadian Red Cross has been getting quite a few requests from media looking toconnect with staff or volunteers who helped respond to this incredible event. The Canadian Red Cross sent many volunteers (1...

The nuts and bolts of building wheelchairs

September is Continuing Care Month in Nova Scotia. We’ll be profiling Red Crossers in recognition of all the great work they do in caring for people outside of a hospital setting. Red Cross staff member Paul MacKinnon takes great pride in his...

Goderich tornado – answering the call for help

Doris Barkley had just returned to her Stratford, ON home from Calgary on August 21, when she got the call: a tornado had touched down and assistance was needed.A mere two hours later, the Canadian Red Cross volunteer was in the town of Goderich, an ...

Food Friday: How to stock your disaster pantry

This week, we have seen our fair share of severe weather with tornadoes and thunderstorms (and not to mention an earthquake) in Ontario. And now, with Hurricane Irene on target to impact the Maritimes and possibly even Quebec, it’s a reminder to all ...

Mission: Help for the Horn of Africa

Breanne England, a staff member of the Canadian Red Cross in Ottawa, has spent much of the summer managing the response to the Horn of Africa drought. Now, she’s in the region to see firsthand the extent of this humanitarian crisis and how the Red Cr...

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The purpose of this blog, quite simply, is to talk. This blog is an opportunity for Red Cross staff, volunteers, supporters and friends to share stories about what is happening in your community and the important work you are doing. It is a tool that will help keep all of us connected.

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