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The Red Cross Round-up

*written by Katie Robinson, communications coordinator with the Canadian Red Cross * The Round-up offers a weekly sample of what our Sister Red Cross Societies are working on around the world. PAKISTAN: The Red Cross Beneficiary Communications ...

Glimpses of the Ontario Zone Youth Conference 2010

*Guest blog by Fatima Fadel, Red Cross youth volunteer and conference co-chairRed Cross youth in London were lucky enough to play hosts to our peers from across Ontario at a three-day conference held November 26-28 at the Ivey Spencer Leadership Cent...

A look at the new Canadian Red Cross field hospital

This week, the Canadian Red Cross announced its first-ever field hospital, which could be deployed in emergencies, such as in Haiti or Pakistan. Red Cross delegates, including doctors, nurses, logistical and technical experts, were involved in a ...

The Red Cross Round-up

*The Red Cross Round-up is written by Katie Robinson, communications coordinator for the Canadian Red Cross * The Round-up offers a weekly sample of what our Sister Red Cross Societies are working on around the world. HAITI: Over the weekend Hu...

Blogging from Haiti

* Red Crosser Sophie Chavanel (@sophiechavanel) is currently in Haiti working to help prepare for Tropical Storm Tomas. She has posted these photos and this blog to help keep Canadians aware of what is happening in Haiti. [slideshow] In Haiti, we ...

Dear Greg...put the toilet seat down!

For the love of humanity, put down the toilet seat!  That was the plea of a disgruntled woman on Twitter challenging her other half to finally lower the seat. The call to action grabbed headlines – and an entire billboard in a busy street in S...

Food Friday: Red Cross Gobble Gobble

We put a simple question out to some of our Red Cross staff: What are you having for Thanksgiving dinner? In true Red Cross fashion, the responses we received were diverse, creative and downright hearty. Can you guess who is having the smoked turk...

A glimpse into a day of a Meals on Wheels volunteer

It’s Meals on Wheels Week , and we are taking the time to share with you stories about how this important program helps thousands of injured, frail and elderly people in Ontario. Our very own roving reporter, Jen Mayville, was a Meals on Wheels vo...

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About The Blog

The purpose of this blog, quite simply, is to talk. This blog is an opportunity for Red Cross staff, volunteers, supporters and friends to share stories about what is happening in your community and the important work you are doing. It is a tool that will help keep all of us connected.

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