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Worldwide Wednesday Wrap-Up

*The Worldwide Wednesday Wrap-up is courtesy of our friend, Robin Parker from Red Cross in Oregon Welcome to the Worldwide Wednesday Wrap-Up, in which we consolidate the international Red Cross and Red Crescent news into one list of bite-sized lin...

Learning to swim

[slideshow] Check out these cute photos from a recent swim program with the Mattagami First Nations in Timmins. Shout out to the instructors, Kayla Lessard, Natasha Kullas, and Ashley Kullas, who were in the water with these 25 children. Also, Dar...

Pizza delivery man saves heart attack victim

Check out this story from the Toronto Star about a guy who delivered a pizza to a heart attack victim and saved his life with CPR. Turns out the delivery man was a former paramedic, but you don’t need to be a paramedic to do CPR. Any one of us can...

A new partnership to blog about

 * Guest blog by Red Crosser Melanie Goodchild-Southwind, Senior Manager, First Nations Projects. The Canadian Red Cross in Ontario is making great strides in the work we do with our First Nations communities. We wanted to share with you news abou...

A Haiti story that silenced a room

When Jean-Pierre told this story at a luncheon for donors yesterday, the audience was so captivated that you could hear a pin drop. It was five days into the Red Cross operations in Haiti and a woman came running into the Red Cross base camp holdi...

When thunder roars, go indoors!

As though an earthquake wasn’t enough for Ontarians today, the Weather Network is warning that we could be in for some major thunder storms with possible hail in Southern and Central Ontario. Like the storm trackers from the movie “Twister,” we’ve be...

Your water safety photos

[slideshow] We asked our Red Cross staff, volunteers and friends to send in photos showing themselves and their families in shots depicting water safety. Check out this great collection of shots! We're still collecting photos - you can send them t...

Red Cross starts Haiti transitional shelters

[slideshow]* By Alex Wynter in Leogane, Petit-Goâve and Jacmel, Haiti. Photos by José Manuel Jiménez For the first time since the 12 January earthquake that devastated southern Haiti and left at least a million and a half homeless, the Red Cross i...

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The purpose of this blog, quite simply, is to talk. This blog is an opportunity for Red Cross staff, volunteers, supporters and friends to share stories about what is happening in your community and the important work you are doing. It is a tool that will help keep all of us connected.

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