If you are on Twitter, then chances are you have recently seen messages about the need for aid in Africa coming from members of the new Canadian Red Cross Twitter Team. The Twitter Team is made up of a group of Twitter users who, over the last...
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Earlier this summer, many of us first heard news of a severe drought in the Horn of Africa that led to food shortages. With millions at risk of malnutrition and starvation (many of them children), the United Nations declared the crisis in Somalia a ...
As the 10th anniversary of 9/11 approaches, the Canadian Red Cross has been getting quite a few requests from media looking toconnect with staff or volunteers who helped respond to this incredible event. The Canadian Red Cross sent many volunteers (1...
[slideshow] As some of you know, we love to talk about food at the Canadian Red Cross and on this blog, so you can be sure we were in disaster-foodie heaven this week as we attended two cooking events in Ontario. The events were organized to ki...
*Guest blog by Sophie Chavanel, Senior Communications Coordinator, Canadian Red Cross, Haiti "This week I really had a great experience. I helped a woman give birth in a Canadian Red Cross vehicle,” said Cyril Stein, coordinator of operations for ...
[slideshow] It’s a scorcher out there and maybe you’re thinking of getting out in the water for boating or swimming. But before you do, the Canadian Red Cross is reminding you to wear it – your lifejacket, that is. It's National Water Safety We...
[slideshow] During a recent visit to Sault Ste. Marie, I met a local volunteer, Jean Wyatt, who showed me her Red Cross pin collection. She has been involved with the Red Cross for more than a decade - both as a client and volunteer. She was de...
*Guest blog by Nita Singh, coordinator, National Marketing @ Promotions with the Canadian Red Cross. National Lifejacket Day is May 19, and we are inviting you to help promote the importance of lifejacket wear by entering our photo contest. Show us t...