Impact of the Tiffany Circle

Canadian Red Cross Tiffany Circle LogoThe Tiffany Circle was officially launched in Canada in 2011. To-date, members have pledged nearly $4 million in support of the Canadian Red Cross! Their ongoing commitment ensures the vital work of assisting those most vulnerable can continue.

Canadian Red Cross Volunteer with recipientThe primary aim of the Tiffany Circle is to ensure the financial sustainability of the Red Cross. However, most of our members are drawn to our humanitarian work and are interested in being involved beyond just making a donation.

For some, this has meant attending Tiffany Circle Events to become more knowledgeable and to help promote the Red Cross in the community. Other members are involved in different fundraising/awareness campaigns like our First Nations Strength and Spirit campaign, the Imagine No Bullying campaign, the Maternal, Newborn and Child Health campaign and our Disaster Management programs. Some members are volunteering at their local Red Cross branch or are involved in our governance, while others have focused on helping to recruit new members to the Tiffany Circle.

"Joining Tiffany Circle came at a most opportune time for me to become an ardent supporter and also a volunteer for the Canadian Red Cross. Being a member of the Tiffany Circle gave me insight into the various activities of the Red Cross not only at the regional level but at a national as well as the international level, an excellent birds-eye view of the activities. Since I was interested in being a volunteer and involved with activities at the local level, I became an office volunteer at the Red Cross office near my house. Whether it is answering the phone, helping a customer register for a first aid class or fitting a customer for rental of health equipment, I feel I am assisting the Canadian Red Cross fulfill its mission at a grass roots level, which is my community." – Mari McAndrews, Tiffany Circle – National Steering Committee Member.

Since Tiffany Circle Members can support the Red Cross programs that are of interest to them and based on their own time commitments – it has allowed for greater involvement from our members. The Tiffany Circle continues to build momentum in cities across Canada.

The combined financial support and effort of our Tiffany Circle members has had a significant impact on the Canadian Red Cross’ ability to provide valuable services locally and around the world.