The Canadian Red Cross is a well-known and reputable, non-profit service provider that has been providing health equipment loans since the Second World War. We focus on quality and risk management and are committed to providing safe equipment to our clients. This starts with an excellent infection prevention and control program consisting of written standards, in-depth training and performance monitoring. We meet the following:
- Health Canada Infection Control Guidelines
- Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety
- Canadian Standards Association (CSA) standards regarding decontamination, warehousing, storage and transportation of reusable medical devices
- Provincial Infection Control Network of B.C., Infection Control Guidelines: Providing Health Care to the Clients Living in the Community
- Provincial Infectious Diseases Advisory Committee of Ontario various best practices documents
- WorksafeBC, Controlling Exposure: Protecting Workers from Infectious Disease
The Canadian Red Cross Health Equipment Loan Program in B.C. and Yukon uses consistent equipment quality standards, standardized technician training, excellent equipment cleaning, disinfection, inspection and repair facilities with thorough equipment audits, tracking and recall processes. The Canadian Red Cross equipment recall process is current and responsive. We have responded to over 25 manufacturer recalls and field correction notices over the past 10 years to ensure our equipment inventory is safe for client use.
All loaned equipment is based on a referral received from a regulated health care professional. We are pleased to be working in partnership with B.C.’s Health Authorities to provide safe and timely health equipment to British Columbians.