Some of you may know our mascots here at the Canadian Red Cross- such as Buckles, who promotes water safety and Ready Goose, who helps children learn about disaster preparedness. However, there’s a new and improved kid in town who deserves some a...
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It’s not every full-time university student who devotes as much time as Alisha Virmani does going to bat for victims of bullying. She was in Halifax recently at the annual conference of the Canadian Association of Statutory Human Rights Agencies...
We would like to extend a warm welcome to the first staff member to be hired in the Moose Cree First Nation satellite office, Laurie Mark. Laurie will be working part-time as a RespectED coordinator. Laurie was born and raised in Moosonee a...
*Photos by Johan Hallberg-Campbell Last week, the Canadian Red Cross opened a satellite office in Moose Cree First Nation, located near Moosonee on the coast of James Bay. This is the first Red Cross office in a First Nation community in Ontario a...
Summer is over and it's that time of year again! With the kids back in school we thought it'd be helpful to offer parents some bullying and cyberbullying tips. It's not only important for youth within schools to stand up to bullying, but for parents ...
Helmets and pads can only go so far to protect kids who play sports. That’s why respect was the theme of Hockey Canada’s AGM held in Halifax this past week and the focus of a talk by former NHL player Sheldon Kennedy who has spoken extensively abou...
Yesterday in Toronto, the Canadian Red Cross held an event on the important and very timely topic of bullying prevention. The event’s special host was Anne-Marie Mediwake, Co-Anchor of CBC News Toronto at 5. During the event, a panel of experts ...
For almost two years, Kiran Cheema has been volunteering for the Red Cross Violence @ Abuse Prevention Program, RespectED. The grade 12 student and aspiring medical school student from Surrey, BC is an enthusiastic peer facilitator for the Beyond the...