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Food Friday: There’s nothing like a BBQ to start the long weekend!

Red Crossers Colleen Lowe and Terrellyn Fearn grilled up a storm during a special summer BBQ celebration. More than 75 staff at the Ontario Red Cross head office took a break to enjoy the summer weather (or should we call it the it’s-not-winter weather?!) and burgers, hot dogs and other goodies. 

Keeping my cool with no air conditioner

The summer’s sun is what gets me through Canadian winters. When my friend decided to get married in Cuba in July, I embraced the imminent heat with a welcoming ‘bring it on’.  Most days I don’t use my little air conditioner, but when it broke recently and temperatures reached into the 30s, I had to get practical about keeping my cool.

Keeping cool - heat safety ideas inspired by kids

As the temperature rises across Canada again, we're looking for some of the best ideas to help you keep cool. Extensive exposure to heat can lead to heat cramps, heat exhaustion, and heat stroke. These tips and tricks are inspired by kids for kids - ...

Photo of the Day: Today is National Lifejacket Day!

Today, May 16 is National Lifejacket Day! Pictured above, the members of the National First Aid, Swimming and Water Safety team model their lifejackets in Kelowna for National Lifejacket Day. Did you know that 88 per cent of Canadians who drow...

Are you prepared for the Canadian National Exhibition?

The Canadian National Exhibition opened in Toronto last Friday and with the threat of the end of summer looming in the distance comes with it a dangerous combination of carnival games, food, and rides. Here at the Canadian Red Cross, we’ve put...

Keeping kids cool this summer

*Our friends at momstown.ca recently posted this blog by our own water safety expert, Shannon Scully-Pratt. We wanted to share this important information with you on how to keep kids cool this summer. We’ve had a series of heat waves across the coun...

Photo of the Day: In the heat, drink water before you tweet

We saw this cartoon on Mashable, and thought we had to share it with you.  It’s really funny, but it’s also an important reminder for all of us to take care ourselves as parts of Canada continue to experience extreme heat. Don’t forget to drink l...

Food Friday: What to cook when it’s boiling outside

They’re baaaacck! The hot temperatures that is. Once again this summer, Toronto is under an Extreme Heat Alert. And, recently, other parts of the country have also faced record high temps. I don’t know about you, but the last thing I want to do ...

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The purpose of this blog, quite simply, is to talk. This blog is an opportunity for Red Cross staff, volunteers, supporters and friends to share stories about what is happening in your community and the important work you are doing. It is a tool that will help keep all of us connected.

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