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Emergency Response Unit arrives

On Friday, the Canadian Red Cross deployed its new field hospital to Haiti. It is the first time that a Red Cross hospital has been deployed from anywhere in the Americas. A team of experts from across Canada, including physicians, nurses and logisti...

The Red Cross Round-up

*written by Katie Robinson, communications coordinator with the Canadian Red Cross * The Round-up offers a weekly sample of what our Sister Red Cross Societies are working on around the world. PAKISTAN: The Red Cross Beneficiary Communications ...

A look at the new Canadian Red Cross field hospital

This week, the Canadian Red Cross announced its first-ever field hospital, which could be deployed in emergencies, such as in Haiti or Pakistan. Red Cross delegates, including doctors, nurses, logistical and technical experts, were involved in a ...

Red Cross prepares to deploy new field hospital

It looked like a scene out of the movie M*A*S*H in a field at the Brampton Powerade Centre, where a Canadian Red Cross field hospital has been stationed this past week. White tents donning Red Cross emblems were scattered across the field: one a s...

The Red Cross Round-up

*The Red Cross Round-up is written by Katie Robinson, communications coordinator for the Canadian Red Cross * The Round-up offers a weekly sample of what our Sister Red Cross Societies are working on around the world. HAITI: Over the weekend Hu...

Photo Tuesday: from Haiti

Every Tuesday, we publish a photo to show Red Cross at work across the province or around the world. Do you have a photo to share? Let us know! This week, we couldn't choose just one, so we're posting this set of new photos from Haiti. There are s...

Claudia from Haiti: Photo Tuesday

Every Tuesday, we’re going to publish a photo to show Red Cross at work across the province or around the world. Do you have a photo to share? Let us know! For this week's Photo Tuesday, I couldn’t resist sharing with you this adorable shot of Cla...

The Red Cross version of M*A*S*H

The Canadian Red Cross recently made an announcement that it is sending an Emergency Response Unit (ERU) to Pakistan. But what exactly is an ERU? We asked our Disaster Dude, John Saunders, to explain it to us. An Emergency Response Unit – or ERU i...

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The purpose of this blog, quite simply, is to talk. This blog is an opportunity for Red Cross staff, volunteers, supporters and friends to share stories about what is happening in your community and the important work you are doing. It is a tool that will help keep all of us connected.

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