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Act Now: Preparing for disasters

We can’t prevent natural disasters such as earthquakes or hurricanes but investing in disaster preparedness and mitigation can save lives and reduce damage. That’s the message of the UN’s #ActNow Save Later campaign. They’ve created a cool animat...

The Red Cross Round-up

The Round-up offers a weekly sample of what our sister Red Cross Societies are working on around the world.PHILIPPINES: Six months after Tropical Storm Washi wreaked havoc in northern Mindanao, hundreds of families are still homeless, living in evacu...

Photo of the Day: No ordinary pair of boots

This image was shared with us on our Facebook page earlier this month. We thought it was such a cool photo, that we decided to share it on the blog! This pair of rubber boots was signed by every Canadian Red Crosser deployed to Thunder Bay, ON t...

Tech Talk: New apps bring first aid to your phone

What’s the first thing many of us do in an emergency situation? We turn to our smart phones for help. Whether it’s to call 9-1-1 or to look up information, mobile devices have become our go-to technology. That’s why we’re excited to check out two new...

Is Bieber Fever an infectious disease?

Watch out for the “Bieber Fever”. It is more infectious than the measles, according to a new study. Using mathematical models, researchers at the University of Ottawa found that “Bieber Fever” (when fans become hysterical over Canadian pop sta...

Images from the Thunder Bay floods

[slideshow] The Canadian Red Cross is on the ground in Thunder Bay, helping to provide support and comfort to people affected by severe flooding that has affected approximately 1,500 homes. Working closely with community officials, Red Cross volun...

Zombie apocalypse focus of new emergency preparedness campaign in BC

If your hometown suddenly turned into a scene from Night of the Living Dead, how would you survive? The British Columbia government believes if you are prepared for a fictional zombie attack, then you are prepared for any real disaster that mi...

Value of volunteers: Northern Alberta wildfires response

When Red Cross was alerted that help was needed with the northern Alberta wildfires, it responded by first calling in local teams. As the magnitude of the disaster became apparent, Red Cross quickly pulled in people from its vast resource of volu...

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About The Blog

The purpose of this blog, quite simply, is to talk. This blog is an opportunity for Red Cross staff, volunteers, supporters and friends to share stories about what is happening in your community and the important work you are doing. It is a tool that will help keep all of us connected.

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