International 22

Read blog posts from the Canadian Red Cross about our international programs and relief efforts

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Photo of the day: Responding to the needs of drought-affected families in Ethiopia

In drought-stricken Ethiopia, the Canadian Red Cross is supporting the Ethiopian Red Cross Society in delivering immediate life-saving help, including safer drinking water (via water trucking and water purification), hygiene promotion and supplies, and supplementary feed for livestock.

Before Irma: How Red Cross training helps prepare for disasters

Long before Hurricane Irma hit Haiti and the Dominican Republic, Red Cross volunteers from these countries were trained and ready to help with a variety of new skills, systems, and equipment, thanks to a Canadian Red Cross project called CERA (Capacity Building for Emergency Response in the Americas).

In photos: Mexican Red Cross responds to powerful earthquake

In response to a 7.1 magnitude earthquake, the Mexican Red Cross quickly mobilized hundreds of volunteers and staff. This includes medical personnel such as nurses and doctors, 140 ambulances and 30 urban rescue unit to provide assistance to people impacted by the disaster in Mexico City and in Puebla.

Red Cross teams on the ground supporting individuals and families in the Caribbean

One of the strongest hurricanes to hit the Caribbean in recent history, Irma has affected more than 1.2 million people across the region. Less than two weeks later, Hurricane Maria has brought new misery to the same areas, as the most intense hurricane to hit Puerto Rico in more than 80 years.

Devastating floods and mudslides in Sierra Leone: Usman Deen Kargbo tells his story

Overnight on August 14, after several days of torrential rainfall, devastating floods and mudslides occurred in and around Sierra Leone's capital city, Freetown. The most affected areas are in the eastern part of Racecourse, and in the outskirts of Regent and Lumley areas.

Solar power means a brighter future for healthcare

Imagine relying on candlelight to be able to deliver heathcare. In remote parts of Liberia’s Bomi county, this has been the reality for healthcare workers - and is one of the examples that Sayba Tamba, Secretary General of the Liberian Red Cross Society when she said, “the state of health facilities in Bomi demands immediate intervention if we are to save lives.” 

Improving the lives of women and children in South Sudan

Jennifer Vibert, Program Officer at the Canadian Red Cross, recently returned from South Sudan, where the Red Cross, with support from the Government of Canada, is implementing a five-year (2014–2019) mother, newborn and child health project.

Jennifer tells us more about the work the Canadian Red Cross is doing to improve  the lives of women and children in South Sudan.

Meet a Red Crosser: International aid worker Jean-Baptiste Lacombe

Jean-Baptiste Lacombe recently joined the Canadian Red Cross as Rapid Response Manager with the Emergency Response Team. He answered some questions for us about working as an international aid worker and his new role with the Red Cross.

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The purpose of this blog, quite simply, is to talk. This blog is an opportunity for Red Cross staff, volunteers, supporters and friends to share stories about what is happening in your community and the important work you are doing. It is a tool that will help keep all of us connected.

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