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Photo of the Day: Alasia gets some comfort from Mickey

Every day, we publish a photo to show Red Cross at work across the country or around the world. Do you have a photo to share? Let us know. This photo is courtesy of our sister society, the American Red Cross. Ten month old Alasia Johnson grips a...

Photo of the Day: Walmart employee receives Canadian Red Cross Rescuer Award

Yesterday, Russ Tombs, a Walmart employee in Leamington, ON, was surprised with a Canadian Red Cross Rescuer Award for saving a woman's life while at work. Last month, while collecting shopping carts in the store's parking lot, Tombs noticed a woma...

Photo of the Day: Volunteer award

Every day, we publish a photo to show Red Cross at work across the country or around the world. Do you have a photo to share? Let us know! Congratulations go out to Canadian Red Cross volunteer Marvin MacLeod who received a Distinguished Service A...

Photo of the Day: Haiti slideshow

*Guest entry by Michael Tomascik, Public Affairs team, Ottawa Two years ago Haiti was left devastated after by 7.0 magnitude earthquake. Over the past two years the Canadian Red Cross, thanks to the generosity of Canadians, has been working to hel...

Photo of the Day: Raising the roof

Every day, we publish a photo to show Red Cross at work across the country or around the world. Do you have a photo to share? Let us know! Manitoba’s Attorney General, Andrew Swan, visited the Canadian Red Cross office in Winnipeg last month to pres...

Pushing for Relief: Manitoba students take fundraising efforts on the road

 Guest blog by Tansey Buike, Fund Development Coordinator for Manitoba Why would a group of University of Manitoba students volunteer to run approximately 200 kms over three days this past October, pushing a hospital bed along highway #1?  To help...

The year in photo

This collection of photos chronicles the work of the Red Cross in Canada and around the world this past year. There are fun photos of volunteers and staff hard at work, pictures that tell a tale of destruction from tornadoes, flooding and earthquakes...

Holiday gift ideas from the Canadian Red Cross

*Guest post by Michael Tomascik, Public Affairs team, Ottawa Looking for holiday gifts to show loved ones how much you care? Why not consider a gift from the Canadian Red Cross? Ok, so we may not have the latest toys and electronics, but our gifts...

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About The Blog

The purpose of this blog, quite simply, is to talk. This blog is an opportunity for Red Cross staff, volunteers, supporters and friends to share stories about what is happening in your community and the important work you are doing. It is a tool that will help keep all of us connected.

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