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Food Friday: Disaster fruitcake

Is your disaster kit ready for the end of the world today? An important part of any disaster kit is food. In a real disaster it could take days or weeks before emergency responders are able to reach you. During this festive time of year, we like ...

Citizens of Earth, the end is near!

‘Beware!’ That is the message from various organizations predicting the end of the world on Friday or over the weekend. Doomsday scenarios include the magnetic poles reversing, Earth colliding with an interplanetary object, the planet being consumed ...

Photo of the Day: Canadian Red Cross volunteers in New York

Caroline Belina of Montreal was deployed by the Canadian Red Cross to help those impacted by Hurricane Sandy. Pictured above in a red vest, Belina works alongside former New York Knicks basketball player John Wallace to unload relief supplies at a ...

Photo of the Day: Red Cross Out of the Cold Program serves hot meals in Toronto

The Out of the Cold program is a city-wide program in Toronto that the Red Cross supports by providing a hot meal to those in need and operating emergency shelters for Toronto's homeless community. Out of the Cold feeds about 120 people every Saturda...

Dispatch from New York: The singing ERV driver

Immediately after arriving into New York I travelled to Breezy Point, an area devastated by Superstorm Sandy. I had the privilege of meeting many inspiring Red Cross volunteers who were busy distributing food and relief items and extraordinary pe...

Photo of the Day: 28th Annual Global Issues Symposium for Youth!

Guest entry by James Park, Assistant Communications Coordinator in BC  This Remembrance Day weekend marked the 28th year of our Global Issues Symposium for Youth, a four-day camp run by the Canadian Red Cross’ Humanitarian Issues Promotion. At our...

Using CPR to Save Lives

Effective bystander CPR can save lives, which is something Bran Simon learned first-hand a few weeks ago. After hearing yelling and crying in his apartment building, Bran ran over to see what was wrong and saw a man lying on the floor with no vital s...

Photo of the Day: Canadians lend a helping hand

Canadians are continuing to help their neighbours in the United States recover from the storm. Red Crosser Nathan Huculak from BC spent the past week in New York, helping the American Red Cross assist people whose lives have been disrupted by Hur...

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The purpose of this blog, quite simply, is to talk. This blog is an opportunity for Red Cross staff, volunteers, supporters and friends to share stories about what is happening in your community and the important work you are doing. It is a tool that will help keep all of us connected.

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