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06/26/13 - Update on Red Cross flood relief efforts in Alberta

Highly trained disaster management volunteers from across the country are on the ground working to provide relief to affected communities following extreme floods in Southern Alberta. Volunteers continue to support shelters or reception centres in...

Dispatch from flooding response in Calgary

Many people are still out of their homes in Calgary and some 300 of them spent Saturday night at the Southland Leisure Centre. Volunteers from a variety of agencies all worked together to meet the needs of the evacuees. Canadian Red Cross voluntee...

Red Cross responding to Alberta flooding

Severe flooding is impacting several communities in Southern Alberta including the city of Calgary, prompting authorities to declare a state of local emergency and order evacuations. In addition to evacuations, power has been shut off for many reside...

World Refugee Day: The plight of Syrian refugees

Earlier this year, 15-year-old Mohammad was reunited with his family with help from the ICRC’s Restoring Family Links program after being separated from them for seven months. Mohammad, originally from the southern Syrian city of Daraa, was visiting ...

Photo of the Day: Welcoming summer in Nova Scotia

Volunteers from the Annapolis Valley in Nova Scotia sported Red Cross vests, PFDs and even the Buckles mascot outfit as they took part in the annual Apple Blossom Festival parade earlier this month. After all the fun was over, the vests needed...

Video footage inside ERU training

This week, a group of delegates with the Canadian Red Cross Emergency Response Unit (ERU) took part in a training exercise. CTV was there to capture a portion of the training and interview a few of the participants. It’s a great inside look at how th...

A hair raising lesson for our summer students

I have family in Oklahoma which means that I have been keeping a close eye on all the recent tornado activity. I also know that we are in tornado season here on the prairies. Being a good little Red Crosser, I am all over the tip sheets and sprea...

Preventing Drownings: infographic and tips

As the Red Cross marks Water Safety Week (June 1-8), we want to share with you the results from recent research conducted by the Canadian Red Cross around child drownings. Drowning is the second leading cause of preventable death for children under t...

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The purpose of this blog, quite simply, is to talk. This blog is an opportunity for Red Cross staff, volunteers, supporters and friends to share stories about what is happening in your community and the important work you are doing. It is a tool that will help keep all of us connected.

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