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Introducing the Disaster preparedness calculator app

Are you prepared for a disaster? Not sure? Well, there’s an app for that! Check out our new disaster preparedness calculator app created with the support of the Red Cross’ leading corporate partner, Walmart. Using this Facebook app is easy: jus...

Australian Red Cross encourages First Aid training with a paperclip

What would it take for you to learn first aid? This funny video from the Australian Red Cross demonstrates the importance of safety in the workplace and the difference proper first aid training can make. The Canadian Red Cross offers fir...

Food Friday: Klik with Bunnuck in Moose Cree

Pepperoni pizza. Club house sandwich. BLT. Chili. Salad wrap. All sounds like pretty good food, right? Now, instead of using regular meat or tofu in those dishes, just add Klik. Klik? What’s that, you say? Well, think of it like SPAM’s sister, or the Canadian version of SPAM.

Building community resilience in South Sudan

[slideshow] As part of the Canadian Red Cross' 3 year Building Resilience Project that focuses on sustainable agriculture, nutrition, risk mitigation, water and sanitation and vocational training a group of men and women from South Sudan were traine...

The Red Cross Round-up

The Round-up offers a weekly sample of what our sister Red Cross Societies are working on around the world. CHINA: The Red Cross Society of China is responding to the needs of thousands of people affected by the 6.6-magnitude earthquake that struc...

Photo of the Day: Canadian Red Cross visits refugee camps in Jordan and Lebanon

In early July, Conrad Sauvé, Secretary General and CEO of the Canadian Red Cross and Hossam Elsharkawi, Director of Emergencies and Recovery, International Operations at the Canadian Red Cross, visited refugee camps in Jordan and Lebanon where th...

Did You Know? Water safety edition

Did You Know...?  ...only 1/3 of children and youth who drown in Canada were taking part in aquatic activities? ...Red Cross water safety programs started on PEI? ...Red Cross runs water safety day camps in PEI every year? ...drowning is the se...

Russian visitor caught in Alberta floods gets Red Cross help

Natalia Parshutkina was staying with a friend in Calgary's East Village neighbourhood when the flood hit. She works for a Canadian company in Russia and was in Calgary for a mixture of business and pleasure. Luckily her friend lives on the ninth floo...

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The purpose of this blog, quite simply, is to talk. This blog is an opportunity for Red Cross staff, volunteers, supporters and friends to share stories about what is happening in your community and the important work you are doing. It is a tool that will help keep all of us connected.

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