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Community grant helps keep the doors open in Nova Scotia during pandemic

When residents in the Shelburne area of Nova Scotia need support paying for vital necessities like medications, eyeglasses, medical equipment or food, the Shelburne and Area Lions Club steps up to help.
However, due to COVID-19, the Club had to close its doors and community members who relied on them for help had to search for alternatives. Now, with the Club reopening, there are several unforeseen expenses as they try to adhere to new health and safety protocols.

5 tips to fight seasonal depression

With winter at our doorstep, are you among many people who are feeling low on enthusiasm and energy? If so, you may be suffering from seasonal depression. Here are some tips to keep your spirits up during these difficult times.

Helping newcomers to Canada manage the challenges of living in a pandemic

When the COVID-19 pandemic was declared, newcomer families to Canada were among those hit particularly hard. Regularly accessed community programs shut down, and the sense of isolation grew as spring turned to summer.

Drop-in program builds social connections for seniors during COVID-19

Seniors, who are among those at greatest risk of severe illness due to COVID-19, have found many of their facilities closed and programs cancelled during the pandemic. After 108 days in self-isolation, 75-year-old James Burgess decided to take action and assist his community on the south shore of Montréal by applying for a grant from the Canadian Red Cross.

Shifting careers: how a SK student went from drawing blueprints to a career in disaster response

At the beginning of last summer, Josh Windsor was a computer drafting student; by the fall, he had completely changed his career direction and was starting his first semester working towards a degree in Emergency Management. 

Winnipeg volunteer shares her experiences to help fellow newcomers prevent injuries

When Bavleen Kaur moved to Winnipeg from India, she wanted to volunteer in her new community. Her attention was captured by the Canadian Red Cross SmartStart program, which teaches injury prevention to newcomers to Canada. She ended up applying her newfound safety skills almost immediately.

Supporting newcomers to Canada through arts, culture and education

Imagine moving to a new country during a global pandemic. Already feeling the isolating effects of unfamiliar surroundings, you’re now faced with the challenge of making a new life for yourself and your family during a widespread lockdown. 

Make a little magic for a Halloween like none other!

Nobody can say with certainty what will happen on October 31 this year, but the pandemic will alter some traditional merriment, especially trick-or-treating. Will we be able to celebrate the day, which kids are so eagerly awaiting, while still keeping them and others safe? What we do know is that Halloween will look a little different this year. Since it falls during the weekend, instead of having to hurriedly mark the occasion after school on a weeknight, we can take the time to celebrate all day long.

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The purpose of this blog, quite simply, is to talk. This blog is an opportunity for Red Cross staff, volunteers, supporters and friends to share stories about what is happening in your community and the important work you are doing. It is a tool that will help keep all of us connected.

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