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Saskatchewan volunteer receives highest Red Cross honour

When you think of extraordinary people, Sandra MacArthur of Osler, SK, certainly fits the bill.
Her dedication as a Canadian Red Cross volunteer over the last 13 years helping others in the midst of disaster was recognized in a virtual ceremony November 25, 2020, during which she was named a member of the Order of the Red Cross.

Gifts for good causes: 5 ideas for holiday giving

Charity gift ideas that make a difference, spread wellbeing and contribute to a better world.

What you need to know about carbon monoxide

Every year, hundreds of Canadians are affected by carbon monoxide poisoning. The results can be fatal.
Carbon monoxide (CO) is an odourless, colourless, and tasteless gas, and therefore not detectable by any of the body’s senses. Because of its indiscernible nature, carbon monoxide poisoning is sometimes known as a “silent killer”. CO poisoning happens when someone breathes in too much carbon monoxide.

From preparation to action: how the Haitian Red Cross is responding to COVID-19

On a sweltering day in late February volunteers from the Haitian Red Cross are trying their best to focus on Dr. Sherley Bernard despite the heat. Her energetic demeanour and the bare grey concrete walls help, but it’s the subject matter that captures their attention. The task at hand, among other things, learn how to respond to the COVID-19 outbreak — recently declared a pandemic by the World Health Organization.

15 tips to keep up good COVID habits

It’s easy to fall into the old ways of going about our lives. However it's vital we keep up new habits to stop the spread of COVID-19.

Helping seniors stay connected

Long before the pandemic, François had an idea: introducing seniors to the use of tablet computers and the Internet to enable them to stay in touch with their family and friends, renew their prescriptions at the pharmacy, and much more. Then came the pandemic with its lockdowns and physical distancing. Instantly, the needs of seniors became much more urgent.

New volunteer is no stranger to helping

Patricia Wilson is the kind of person who always has protein bars in her car in case she meets someone in need. Although a new volunteer with the Canadian Red Cross, Wilson is no stranger to disaster management, having responded to countless emergencies over the past two decades.

Free resources to keep you entertained at home (Part 1)

We would normally be able to get together with friends and family for some extra cheer, but as we all know, physical distancing is required to limit the spread of COVID-19. With many of us at home this season, here are some suggestions for (free!) activities to keep you entertained.

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About The Blog

The purpose of this blog, quite simply, is to talk. This blog is an opportunity for Red Cross staff, volunteers, supporters and friends to share stories about what is happening in your community and the important work you are doing. It is a tool that will help keep all of us connected.

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