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Calgarians race against the clock for disaster preparedness

As part of a three-week in-store fundraising campaign in August to support local Red Cross disaster relief, Walmart Canada and the Canadian Red Cross teamed up for Build-a-Kit Challenge, to help inform as to what is needed to survive for the first 72 hours after a disaster strikes. 


A young boy's life saved by community care in South Sudan

Canadian Red Crosser Chiran Livera who was recently in South Sudan to aid in the cholera outbreak in South Sudan shares the story of a small two-year-old boy who got sick and started showing all the common signs of cholera – dehydration, vomiting and muscle cramps. He was brought to the to the Red Cross community health tent that has been specifically set-up to detect and assist with early intervention of cholera.

Round-up: Red Cross responds to emergencies in Nepal and Jordan

The Round-up offers a weekly sample of what our sister Red Cross Societies are working on around the world.

Mobile Food Bank: Delivering more than just food

Delivering food to housebound Toronto residents, the Canadian Red Cross Mobile Food Bank also delivers a healthy serving of community support.

Red Cross observes Day of the Disappeared

By 2015, roughly 375 million people will be affected by climate-related disasters every year, 100 million more than were directly impacted last year.  And this does not count those affected by non-climate-related disasters such as earthquakes, conflicts and man-made disasters which are expected to affect many millions more.
These disasters often lead to separation of loved ones, leaving vulnerable people with no way to get in contact with those they have lost.

Round-up: Red Cross responds to emergencies in Japan and Central African Republic

The Round-up offers a weekly sample of what our sister Red Cross Societies are working on around the world.

Kayak safety: Do you know what to do?

You may have seen this recent video of a man who capsized while kayaking that’s making the rounds on social media. Luckily, Max is ok but clearly he did not know what to do. In response, we want to offer some kayak safety dos and don’ts should you find yourself in a similar situation.

Canadian Humanitarians: Odette Cyr spends her second life helping others

Surmounting many challenges to achieve her dreams, Red Crosser Odette Cyr has spent the latter part of her life helping others in times of crisis.

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About The Blog

The purpose of this blog, quite simply, is to talk. This blog is an opportunity for Red Cross staff, volunteers, supporters and friends to share stories about what is happening in your community and the important work you are doing. It is a tool that will help keep all of us connected.

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