*The Red Cross Round-up is written by Katie Robinson, communications coordinator for the Canadian Red Cross * The Round-up offers a weekly sample of what our Sister Red Cross Societies are working on around the world. HAITI: Over the weekend Hu...
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Literally! Red Cross Timmins branch volunteer, Carole McIntyre and her daughter Sydney recently created a new definition of “family bonding." The duo had themselves handcuffed together by a police officer in the centre of Timmins Square shopping c...
* Red Crosser Sophie Chavanel (@sophiechavanel) is currently in Haiti working to help prepare for Tropical Storm Tomas. She has posted these photos and this blog to help keep Canadians aware of what is happening in Haiti. [slideshow] In Haiti, we ...
Today marks the 100 years since the passing of Henry Dunant, the founder of the Red Cross movement. As we saw earlier this week, Mr. Dunant sure had a wicked-awesome beard. But, what are some other noteworthy facts about this Swiss businessman an...
It’s the time of the year again soon, when all the ghosts and goblins hit the streets for some trick or treats. But, there is no reason to put on a tired-old witch or ghost costume if you or your kids are unsure of what to be this Halloween. We ar...
For the love of humanity, put down the toilet seat! That was the plea of a disgruntled woman on Twitter challenging her other half to finally lower the seat. The call to action grabbed headlines – and an entire billboard in a busy street in S...
High school students normally raise money for charities with bake sales or car washes. But, for a Lower Sackville NS high school they decided to do something different to raise money for the Canadian Red Cross Pakistan appeal: Justin Bieber music, an...
We put a simple question out to some of our Red Cross staff: What are you having for Thanksgiving dinner? In true Red Cross fashion, the responses we received were diverse, creative and downright hearty. Can you guess who is having the smoked turk...