Every day, we publish a photo to show the Red Cross at work across the country or around the world. Do you have a photo to share? Let us know! It's Emergency Preparedness Week and we're happy to see Orange Cat has its first aid fanny pack! Orange ...
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If you follow this blog often enough, you know that Red Crossers love all things having to do with first aid and disaster preparedness. Well, now we’ve found a way that we can all wear our love for safety – a fanny pack! That’s right! Fanny packs. ...
Les habitants des Îles-de-la-Madeleine qui ont été privés d’électricité pendant plusieurs jours en février dernier et les sinistrés de la Montérégie connaissant l’importance de se préparer pour des catastrophes de longue durée. Et vous ? Est-ce qu...
[slideshow] There’s no question that many of us who work at the Red Cross bring our work home with us – you never do know when a disaster will happen. But, since joining Pinterest a few weeks ago, I’ve realized that many people literally bring the...
Did you know that nearly every country in the world has produced Red Cross stamps at one time or another? It’s just one of the fascinating aspects of stamp collecting that’s allowed volunteer Cheryl Grantham to combine two passions: stamps and the Re...
Photography and other works of art challenging our views on war and its impact on children are on display this week in the lobby of the Schulich School of Law building at Dalhousie University in Halifax. The exhibit is an initiative of Red Cross vol...
Every day, we publish a photo to show the Red Cross at work across the country or around the world. Do you have a photo to share? Let us know! With help from UNHCR (United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees) for the tents, volunteers from the Ma...
The American Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) recently announced that it’s challenging tech-geeks to invent a new robot to help respond during emergencies. To sweeten the deal, the designer of the winning robot will receive a whoppin...