Five weeks ago I learned a very painful lesson to slow down and focus on the task at hand (no pun intended) when using power tools.
While renovating my house (a hobby of mine), I was rushing to meet a self-imposed deadline to finish the kitchen. As I released the power switch on the miter saw my left hand came across to grab the toe kick (piece of wood) that I had cut. Only the blade had not finished spinning. It cut into the space between my thumb and forefinger.
As a first aider, I knew I could control the bleeding by applying direct pressure and closing the wound together. I asked my brother to grab the Red Cross first aid kit from my vehicle and retrieve the pressure dressing. Thankfully my wife was there to drive me to the ER.
The doctor came in and asked me why I was still doing these silly things (several years ago I was brought by ambulance to the same ER after falling off a roof (on another project) and saw the same attending physician). We both agreed that it’s time for me to take up a new hobby, but not likely I would.
The following morning I met wonderful staff at the hand
I have since gained a new appreciation for what our thumbs enable us to do, such as open a mini Ketchup bottle or cut a steak - both of which resulted in me wearing half my meal.
I am super lucky to have had a first aid kit handy, making sure I had the appropriate supplies.
I’m not sure if I will get my full range of movement back or be able to hold a pool cue in quite the same way, but I do know that I will always give a thumbs-up to first aid training. Pun intended.