Take the heartwarming rescue story of young Andres on the beach at St. Malo in August 2024 as a reminder. In this story, Jeremy and Christian, two everyday heroes, showed how important it is to know first aid. They also showed the value of asking for help when needed.
A Day at the Beach Turned Heroic
A sunny afternoon arrived when Jeremy decided to relax on his inner tube, floating peacefully along the water. He passed by families enjoying the day, but something unusual caught his eye. Jeremy saw a child floating motionless, face-up like a starfish, with his head submerged underwater.Initially unsure of what to do, Jeremy continued to watch the child. Thirty seconds later, the child still hadn't moved.
Seeing how serious the situation was, Jeremy called out to nearby parents. He wanted to know if the child belonged to them. They responded that he did not, and Jeremy knew he had to act.
He climbed off his inner tube and waded into the water, which was about chest-deep for him, a six-foot-tall man. When he reached the child, the water was only waist-deep for him. The child was barely floating on his back, with his head submerged.
Meanwhile, the child’s family had been searching for him frantically. He had wandered off from the picnic area close to the beach, and his loved ones were desperately looking for him.
Jeremy quickly carried the child to the shore while yelling for help. That's when Christian Clavelle stepped in.
Quick Action Saves a Life
Christian was at the beach with his wife and two children when he heard Jeremy yelling for help. Quickly assessing the situation, he saw that the boy was unresponsive, not breathing, cold, and limp. His dilated pupils showed clear signs of a serious emergency.While a bystander called 911, Christian began performing chest compressions. Soon after, water and mucus started pouring from the child's mouth. He quickly placed the boy in the recovery position and administered back blows, helping to clear even more water. When the child still did not respond, Christian resumed the compressions.
Soon, the boy began coughing and making noises. Although still unconscious, the child's breathing had returned. Christian carried him through the crowded beach to meet paramedics at the entrance. He reassured the distraught mother, encouraging her to talk to her child.
Thanks to Christian's quick intervention and fantastic job, Andres became conscious on the way to Winnipeg Children's Hospital. After spending a few days under observation, doctors released Andres, and he returned home to his family.
Honouring a Rescuer

This extraordinary act of courage did not go unnoticed. On November 18, 2024, Shawn Feely, Vice President of the Red Cross Manitoba, honoured Christian with a Rescuer Award.
The ceremony at the Canadian Red Cross office in Winnipeg was a special moment. Andres and his parents were there to show their gratitude.

The Power of First Aid Training
Christian's story is an important reminder of the empowerment that comes with first aid skills. Emergencies can occur at any time, in any place. Equipping yourself with the knowledge and skills to respond can give you the confidence to step in and potentially save a life. These skills can make a significant difference, whether it's knowing CPR, managing a wound, or helping someone in distress. You don't need to be a professional to make a difference. Enrolling in a first aid course equips you with the knowledge and confidence to respond in emergency situations.
Taking a first aid course could help you save a life—just like Christian Clavelle did at St. Malo Beach. Being prepared can make all the difference, whether it's for your family, friends, or strangers in need.
Sign up today for a course in your area.
Recognizing Heroes: The Rescuer Award
The Canadian Red Cross Rescuer Award honours the amazing efforts of everyday heroes. These heroes include non-professional rescuers and off-duty first responders. They step up to help during times of crisis. These individuals save lives, prevent injuries, and offer comfort to those in distress. They make a big difference when it matters most.
Do you know someone who deserves this recognition? Now is your chance to shine a light on their bravery! Nominate yourself or a deserving person for a Red Cross Rescuer Award. Let's honour those who go above and beyond for others!
Be Ready. Be a Hero. Learn First Aid Today.