Training and Certification
Course Schedules & Registration
Find out which Canadian Red Cross Training & Certification courses are available in your area.
Online Learning Campus
Self-directed online courses in Preventing Disease Transmission, Psychological First Aid, and Opioid Harm Reduction.
Become a Training Partner or Instructor
Find out how you can teach and deliver Red Cross First Aid programs.
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First Aid Tips & Resources
The Canadian Red Cross is a leading provider of first aid and CPR programs and has been offering first aid and CPR training to Canadians for over 50 years. We also teach Canadians practical first aid tips and offer a free first aid app.
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Wilderness & Remote First Aid Program
Wilderness and remote environments require specialized skills, equipment and training. Whether you are an outdoor recreation enthusiast, live or work in a wilderness or remote setting, or work as a professional rescuer — Red Cross offers specialized training to meet your needs.
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