Are you feeling the heat?

The past two days, with temps soaring to 32⁰ with the humidex, the City of Toronto has issued its first extreme heat alert of the summer. Other parts of the province are also experiencing the first heat wave of the year as well.

While everyone is happy the summer weather is finally here, a few hours in the sun and heat could easily go from being fun to not so much fun. The Red Cross has tips to help you stay safe and cool in the warm weather:

  • Avoid being outdoors in the hottest part of the day. If you must go out, try going out in the early morning or later evening hours when the sun is not as strong.
  • Slow down activities that make you hot. Work and exercise in brief periods.
  • Take frequent breaks.
  • Dress in light, loose clothing. Wear a hat.
  • Drink plenty of cool fluids, but avoid caffeine and alcohol.

More tips can be found here.

Also, the Red Cross has a Heat Information Line in Toronto to provide assistance for any heat related questions. The number is 416-480-2615

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